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Thinking about Nintendo's next home console.

Nintendo became a buzz word this week with rumors flying around like some kind of freakish circus act, but I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. As you know, one of the rumors is of the new controller type for Nintendo's new home console. Touch screen, camera and some other doodads.

As this information was pouring in, I thought back to an old EGM I had. Specifically, September 2005 issue #195. At this time, the Wii was still the Revolution and everyone wanted to know what the new controller would be and or look like. Well, EGM tried to speculate and got it way wrong as the Wii Remote looked like a TV remote. But now, looking back, EGM might be on to something. Take a look at these scans from 2005. Click links to go to my images so you can zoom in. 

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Okay, I know this is probably not what Nintendo's next controller will look like, but I found it intriguing that Nintendo might go the way of a touchscreen controller. I remember Iwata stating that the Wii Remote actually was in development as early as 2002 and intended for the Gamecube as an add-on. And with the popularity of the DS, why not add a touchscreen to a traditional controller. So who knows, maybe EGM got some rumors not for the Wii/Revolution, but for Nintendo's next next console back in 2005.

I guess we'll have to wait until E3 or a little before to find out. As for me, I'm excited.

Thanks for reading.


Here's IGN's take on the controller and a mock-up image.

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