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Alrighty guys - we just launched a our new Trivia feature over the weekend (last friday really)! I'm really excited about it - and judging by how many of you guys are already participating in the game - I think its gonna be a really fun feature :)

We'll be making a more official announcement next week, but I felt like blogging about it to drop some of the details for you dudes:

The Game:
  • Its really just a never-ending trivia game. The trivia questions are submitted by you guys - and answered by the rest of the community. 
  • Its super simple, really fun, and kind of addicting. In fact, as we pushed it out last friday night, we were all sitting in the office having a few beers and trying to outdo each other's questions - just having a really good time w/ it.
  • The questions can be anything from multiple choice, to true/false, and you can embed images or even youtube clips in them. Get as creative and as challenging as you want.

The Leaderboards:
  • Along with the game itself - we wrote a fairly robust leaderboard system (this is where it really gets fun) - so you can see how well you're doing w/in the community.
  • The leaderboards calculate your rank based off a "Games Behind" algorithm (like baseball) but you can also see how has submitted the most questions, who has answered the most questions, etc.

Stuff We'll Be Adding:
  • So we pushed the trivia code out friday evening and it was really only Staff adding and answering questions -- and it was amazing to see how many of you dudes actually found out about it and started submitting questions w/ us.  We were basically running an open BETA this weekend and we have a lot of the major bugs/hacks worked out right now.
  • I'd really like to dig deep into the data to produce cooler stats / leaderboards for you guys - cause I really think that's when it gets interesting.
  • We'll be adding content specific leaderboards and quizes -- so if you're on the God Of War page, you'll be able to see where you rank w/in that specific content object.
  • We'll be adding question ranking -- so poorly written questions will be able to be 'buried' if enough users feel like its a bad question.
  • Ryan was thinking about adding a comedy rating on the questions - so we can see which of the questions are the funniest.

That's it for now -- I will not be working on trivia till monday - I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that its live and its out there - so submit questions - take the quiz and have fun!

Let us know what other features you would like to see as a part of this new feature?