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Persona 4 Golden New Game Plus -- Starting today, one Day at a time! (Part 3 4/18/2014)

Hey everyone -- new blog for 4/18/2014! Today, William Rikeru established a bond with Chie, went back inside the TV, got to level 5 of Yukiko's castle, and went to bed. See ya tomorrow!

William is the strong silent type
William is the strong silent type
give me those digits
give me those digits
Thanks game
Thanks game
why did i spend all my yens on armor
why did i spend all my yens on armor
TV WORLD woooooooooooo
TV WORLD woooooooooooo
hey yukiko
hey yukiko
sounds interesting
sounds interesting
what does it mean...I guess we will find out
what does it mean...I guess we will find out