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Okay, for a person not too familiar with Berserk, was the boat thing caused by huge delays in released chapters or was is just a very long arc?

I'm rewatching FLCL - I still feel like it balances between some sorts of metaphors about growing up and mindless (but enjoyable) nonsense.

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@rasmoss: I recommend this video ( from the Hobbit movie set, which basically explains why the movie sucked. I would've much preferred to see Del Toro's take on the book.

Spectre - like, 4/10? From the trailer the movie seemed like ,,it's all been leading up to this'', they namedrop previous villains, but... it feels strangely empty. The opening scene was my favorite one, but after that I didn't really feel the tension or care too much about what was happening on the screen. There are a few scenes that started to feel a bit like a parody. I still feel positively about Daniel Craig's performance (I liked Casino Royale and Skyfall). However, if there's a chance for a new actor to play Bond, I think this would be a good moment to switch it up.

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@mlarrabee: I mean, there are games that make you wonder if the developers even cared how the finished product looks like. My favourite examples are Drake of the 99 Dragons and Ride to Hell: Retribution. I watched Two Best Friends' videos of it and it was a glorious trainwreck. But if you're talking in terms of intended hard difficulty, I think MGR: Revengeance had the best one. It's one of those games I replayed several times just to have some more fun with the combat system.

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Overall I really enjoyed the game, though I'm not happy with what Dontnod did in the final episode. The whole middle sequence seemed like they had a few interesting ideas but didn't quite know how to include them into the story. On the other hand, I didn't mind the ending that much. I chose the longer one and I wasn't dissapointed. Sure, for some people it didn't feel very ,,gamey'' to just let an important character die, but Chloe's sacrifice changed the way I see the story. If I were to replay the game, I'd think of it as Max saying goodbye to an old friend during a week that never happened. I much prefer this ending over the second one that doesn't really explain much.

To sum up, for me Life is Strange was certainly an interesting experience, and one of the best games of 2015 for me along with Undertale. It made me care about virtual people!

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Reminds me a bit too much of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Who Cares Anymore... Because of that movie I fall asleep whenever I see an ,,epic fantasy battle''. On the other hand, as a person who knows little to nothing about the Warcraft universe I'd want to see them focus on the orc characters. Their background seems more interesting than usual human castle stuff.

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#6  Edited By CrazyDiamond

I remember I needed about ten hours to really start getting into DS1. I had a lot of trouble at the beggining and honestly I think I wouldn't have completed it without a guide. For some people this might take away the enjoyment, but I knew there were things I wouldn't find on my own. I replayed the game multiple times and mostly focused on practicing combat, even tried to speedrun it. O&S still annoy the hell out of me, but some of DS1's aspects aren't that overwhelming anymore.

As for other games, I'm having a lot of trouble with 1001 Spikes. Haven't played a challenging platformer in a while and I just can't get the timing right. No guide could help me here!

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#7  Edited By CrazyDiamond

Does the game force you to watch over your settlement? I'm afraid this will be one of those systems I'll just try to skip to get back on the road.

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I enjoy GB's videos and I like discussing games with other people. None of my friends are too interested in following gaming news so I thought I'd join this forum. I've been also looking for new podcasts to follow and there seems to be a lot of those here. I like small, independent games and occasionally I try to make my own.