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CrazyRah's top 10 games of 2018 and MORE!

Another year is soon over and it's certainly been one to remember. It's had its share of good and bad moments but now is the time for me to celebrate what this year has given us within gaming and award that which deserves praise. I started doing these blogs back in 2012 and 2018 will be a year that will be remembered if for nothing else than the year that had to follow up the incredible 2017. Feel like I got to play most of the games that I wanted this year and those that I've yet to play don't make me wait with this blog. As always there will be spoilers. Now lets get this show going and first out is..

The Anticipated

The games that I looked forward to this year that got released this year:

1. Valkyria Chronicles 4

2. Red Dead Redemption 2

3. The Banner Saga 3

4. Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight

5. Far Cry 5

What game lived up the anticipation the best?

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Valkyria Chronicles 4 is this years winner and I couldn't be happier to give this award to this game in particular as it is the long awaited return of a franchise that once thought dead in the west. It herald that there's a point to hope and that just because a franchise get a few poor titles it doesn't mean that it always will be poor. No, instead VC4 is the franchise at its best by building upon what made the original Valkyria Chronicles game great. Once again I get to award a game that managed to stand up against my over anticipation that's been built up over the years and for that I'll be forever grateful. This is a title that will stand the test of time well due to its enjoyable combat, great soundtrack and most importantly it's beautiful art style. So thank you to the developers for crafting this magnificent game and for managing to deliver upon the expectations of your many fans.

The largest disappointment

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The winner of this "award" can be no other than Far Cry 5 and it didn't take long for me to pick this title. This decision was made the same day I finished the game and it's a most deserving winner of being the largest disappointment. Here the developers had the amazing opportunity to make points, create storylines and interesting characters with rural white religious nutcases and yet when I was done with the game and put it down for good.. I couldn't see any of that in the game. They managed to take potential and squander it so badly that cardboard got more character than anyone in this game. It's such a letdown that this is what the development lead to. Maybe they simply should've been given more time because I just cant fathom that this is the best of the skills at hand for those developers. This is a case where the Ubisoft formula once again breaks and where the lesson they should've learned with Assassin's Creed: Origins should've made a difference. Give. Your. Games. TIME

Place 10-8

10. Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight - Was a bit hesitant to pick up this title since I generally don't play this kind of game but decided to give it a go considering Persona 5 itself is my favorite game of all time and that I've always loved the Persona music. If nothing else this title provided a good entertainment that could be picked up and experienced for short sessions where starting up any other title wouldn't be worth it and that's the kind of title I've been looking for and finally found. That and I'm simply a sucker for great music and this game got that in droves!

9. Atelier Lydie and Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings - A surprise to find this game on this list at all since I've never before played an Atelier title and this title would in most years not make it on the list but it took advantage of the time I had during this time of the year and made an incredible job with what it had. The game is such a happy thing to experience! Bright colours, happy music, warm characters and just so much positivity which is exactly what I needed in 2018. This game wont win awards at shows but it doesnt have to. It made a dark and nasty world a bit brighter everytime I played it and that's the best award I can give it.

8. Batman: The Enemy Within - Another TellTale game makes it onto my GOTY blog and this title is an improvement of the first Batman title they made. This is a title that highlight both the good and the bad with TellTale games and that's their decisions and the consequences that follow. At times this shines and the game feel really immersive but often it falls short of this and that means the rest of the game got to carry the slack and this is one of the better titles from TellTale in doing so. I completely fell for their interpretation of Harley Quinn and their design of her is just so phenomenal that I could almost forget that the game was focusing on Batman and Joker. Just give me one more scene with Harley, please!

The Unexpected

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Assassin's Creed: Odyssey: When I learned that Ubisoft wasn't going to give the next AC title an extra year as they did with Origins I felt an icy feeling in my stomach. Had they learned nothing? And where they going to ruin this amazing chance they had with Greece? The answer to both of those questions are yes and no. Yes they had learned a lot and Odyssey is proof of that. It had been given the time it needed with and could build upon Origins meaning that it didn't need that year extra. They didn't ruin Greece, far from it! What we got here is one of the best games made that take place in Greece and what that comes down to is how well they manage to capture what modern people imagine and think when they hear Athens, Sparta, Leonidas and Persia. The game is beautiful, there's no other way to put it. I could ride around the valleys of Greece for days and never get bored of how beautiful it is. The music is typical Assassin's Creed meaning there are a few good tracks among an in general unremarkable OST. The combat is Origins but improved since they quit trying to balance the assassin and the warrior that previous titles have tried and instead leaned heavily towards the main character being a warrior of Sparta. This means that players that want a sneaky old school AC game wont find it here but everyone that want to feel like an epic character on an Odyssey will find their desires fullfilled. The players get to pick the gender of the main character and as always I opt for female when given the chance to make up for being forced to play male in many other titles and in Odyssey that's simply the best way to play this game with Kassandra being an utterly incredible character with her voice actress doing some sorcery with every word spoken because I've fallen completely under her spell. How can someone sound THAT fantastic?

Place 7-5

7. Detroit: Become Human - Probably the title I'm the most confliced about this year. It's the best game that David Cage has managed to produce with his team, it's also a game that so heavy handed deals with topics that requires a silk touch. The game is however so very beautiful with 3 main characters that offer a wide variety of experiences. Connor, the best one hit the perfect sweetspot between being not-human but with human qualities and interactions. If the game was more like Connor I know I'd have given this game a much higher spot on the list but as it stands a problematic, enjoyable and weird title can stand proudly among the other titles of this blog.

6. Monster Hunter: World - This title is not for everyone. This title might not even be for me. This title is fantastic when you get into the mindset it needs and embrace it's quirks. The game makes no apologies for its rough nature that ask a lot from the player if they want to see it all. Best to get yourself a friend that's experienced with Monster Hunter or understand that getting good is your path to walk. The world is pretty, the characters are excellent in their simplicity and the story is far from remarkable but it's perfect for this game. So pick up your weapon and get ready to hunt magnificent beasts for their hides or pelts. You got armor to fashion!

5. Banner Saga 3 - A game that came out much sooner than anticipated and maybe a bit too early given the bugs I encountered. But with that said I'm in love with this franchise once more and I can honestly say that I had a fantastic time playing this game after having spent so much time with many of its characters in previous titles. The developers have learned so much throughout this trilogy and most aspects of the game are superior to the ones in the previous titles. The game got a fantastic art style that's meshing so well with the story, the characters and the music which leads to an overall authentic experience that I hope more people are willing to give a try. We dont have that many games dealing with Norse culture and it would be great if we could support those that do explore it.

Best Soundtrack

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Detroit: Become Human: It's not the first time that a David Cage title has a strong OST. It was not easy to pick this year as there were no oustanding titles in this area and instead many pretty good ones that all had their strengths and weaknesses. So the deciding factor had to be what soundtrack could I the most clearly hear in my head at will and that's the soundtrack of Detroit that got a strong selection of soundtracks that are well placed within the game for good emotional effect. The game is a great example of how the soundtrack can make up for mistakes in other areas and smooth over rough edges and in Detroit scenes that otherwise could've felt awkward became more human thanks to the music.

Most Impressive Aesthetic

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Red Dead Redemption 2 - I suppose when you blow a trillion dollars on graphics the game should be able to win this award because it's a game that from every angle possibly look just fantastic. RDR2 simply dont believe in doing things half-assed and it shows when you can be walking through a forest and see the light fight through the bushes and the trees to reach the ground. It's noticeable when you experience rain with the rain appearing as a force of nature that it actually is and that it can turn the dirt into mud that you later slip in and turn your nice red jacket into a brown one. Game simply look fantastic and very much deserve this award for pushing the limits on what video games can achieve.

Place 4

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Red Dead Redemption 2 - I don't ever expected that RDR2 would find itself outside of the top 3 on my rankings and still while writing this don't know how it actually managed to find itself here but I don't regret putting it here. Make no mistake, RDR2 is a phenomenal game and one that people really should try. The game got a fantastic cast of characters that I'll meet again at some point and it will warrant perhaps more than one playthrough just to meet them again and again. The combat is the old system from the original RDR which means it feels both unique.. and very old. That there is how I will summarize many aspects of RDR2. It's a unique title that at times feel a bit old, a bit to fascinated with its own magnificence and where priorites got mixed. This is a game that really takes authenticity to the maxiumum which is incredible for the first 20 hours of playtime which is not halfway through the game. It's a really long game with so much content that's both so much fun to play but also at times a reminder that too much of the good stuff can by itself spoil the dish. RDR2 is a game that needs to be given time and space to be experienced properly but dont be afraid to put down the controller and play something else because this is a game that can wear out even the most experienced gamers.

Best Game Played That Was Released In The Past

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VA-11 Hall-A - I'm so happy, so very happy that I can give this award to this title in particular. It hits all the right spots for me with its story, characters, gameplay, visuals and the OST. All of them are of the highest calibre and would warrant a serious chance at being GOTY if I had played this game in the year it was released. This game also nails that X-factor that you cant really put your finger on what it is but everyone knows what it is when they encounter it themself. I found this game at the right time in my life and it said the right things when I needed to hear them the most and I look at this game as some of the most fun I've had playing games in years but also as proof that video games very much are art, because this title moved me with the force of an earthquake and I'm a much better person for having played it. Thank you for existing, time to mix drinks and change lives!

Place 3

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Valkyria Chronicles 4 - A contender for being GOTY in a very even year. This game fullfilled all my hopes and expectations when it arrived with all of the improvements imaginable. I had some fantastic 30+ hours playing this game and I will get back and spend more hours before 2018 is over. The story is great with plenty of reasons to be engaged in what happens and the characters are a mix of quirky and complex. I did not at all expect to find myself new favorite characters at the rate I did with this game and it didn't stop there. It made me enjoy playing missions that takes place in snow! I hate with a passion winter and snow so for this game to manage that speaks loudly of how well crafted this piece of entertainment is and how it manages to make the most of what it brought to the table. The art style is polished and unique, making it almost feel like you're watching some documentary and that we're actually there as events unfold which is instrumental for this game with the kind of game they want the player to experience. It doesnt glorify war for one second and instead give their due to both the heroism that takes place but also the brutality and inhumanity that makes monsters out of us all. A much deserved spot on the podium!

Best Side Content

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God of War - Quality side content is the kind of content that doesn't feel like it actually is side content and that's the case with God of War. I wanted to do the side stuff and actively went looking for more and more of it to do. Endgame stuff was some of the most fun I had in the game since it allowed me to explore and expand upon the stuff that I had learned while playing the game. Fighting against bosses and foes far harder than anything you encountered in the main game made me feel like a proper badass and that was partnered with feeling like I learned a lot when hearing stories of Norse legends and ties into my own ancestry which isnt something I often get to see happen in any medium. So to say it once again, quality side content doesn't feel like side content and here it neverdid.

Place 2

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Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - This is my favorite Assassin's Creed game and it's also one of the least assassin like games of them all. This is however a title that manages to provide some incredible entertainment for over 60 hours that I've played this game up to this point of writing and I've been enjoying this game so much. I am in love with Kassandra as a protagonist and as mentioned her voice is the voice of godesses themself. With its beautiful world the game crafts a tale worth experiencing and a tale worth embracing. Classic Greece carry a special meaning for the western civilizations and I'm so pleased to tell that they didn't ruin that legacy and instead managed to do some part of that legacy justice in their own way. This game has made me dig into documentaries and books that I since long had thought I'd never visit again and that's partially why I play these games that take place in ages long gone. AC: Odyssey got some of the best moments that I've experienced in AC titles and they are the result of well crafted subplots and over-arching narrative working in tandem with other aspects of the game. And I've not even mentioned the combat yet! It start off a bit slow but once I found my style and my weapons of choice it didn't face me at all and as you grew stronger and unlocked abilities I could genuinely feel like I was the mythical character that people saw when I approached them and that's a feeling that I will never grow bored of. The game isn't perfect and I look forward to where they take it from here but until the next title arrive I will be re-visiting Sparta, Athens and other parts of Greece with Kassandra.

Character of the Year

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Arthur Morgan - Rockstar creating a main character that I actually really like? Is this further proof that 2018 has gone completely mad? While that is quite possible I'm also going to explain why I think so highly of Arthur and that is his journey. He's not just some gunslinger, he's a man that has made bad decisions, keep making bad decisions but isnt for that a bad man. Arhtur throughout the game keeps thinking, re-visiting old memories and might be the character that best showcase the power of the redemption story. The Arthur I see towards the end is not at all the same Arthur I started the game with. He poses intelligent questions that made me think about myself and also how I look at other people in the world around me. Arthur proves to me that actions, intentions and consequences are all things that I need to keep in mind when passing judgement and I always appreciate when games can make a better person of myself. I look up to Arthur as a role model despite his murky past and the various bad things he has done. He is a complicated man in a complicated world and in the end we are all humans and therefor it's to be expected that things wont always go the way we want them to and Arthur is a man that knows that better than most and through his example I now know ways to handle situations I otherwise wouldn't. Rockstar did something incredible when they created Arthur and I hope they realise that for when they make new main characters. I hope they learn as much from Arthur as I did.

Game of the year

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God of War is my pick for Game of the Year 2018

God of War: Had a suspicion that this would be my GOTY when I played the game at release. It just got that special something that stuck with me when I played and when I was doing other things, that feeling that I was experiencing something outstanding and above the normal. God of War does magical things with its heritage and with the Norse faith and culture. God of War deliver a story that's intimate and very engrossing, it doesnt need the bombastic bells and whistles and instead work on a more emotional and human level. God of War is about bonds and the one between a father and his son and their quest to accomplish something very dear to both of them. The game sticks out from other titles on this blog by having very few characters in it and the game dont need more characters than it uses. This is a game about Kratos and Atreus and the characters that are there help build upon the journey that is taking place by giving space for character development to happen but also to build up this new world that God of War as a franchise will spend several games in. It's a journey within a journey and as a first act in that greater journey this game is perfect. God of War is also a good first step in trying out new things, the combat system is not the most expansive but it's well developed and feel very tight when used. I always felt in control of Kratos and his moveset which lead to being able to take down very powerful foes which is something that I strive to do in all games. I crave that challenge and God of War with its new combat could provide a different version of that than its previous titles. God of War is an incredibly high quality title and that can be noticed in the graphics that look fantastic and the art style they went with is just the right one for the Norse world they are entering, the character designs are on point for Norse mythology and I can't wait to see how other important characters of that mythology are designed if this is how well they managed this time! And that is something that I want to echo about all aspects of the game, if this is what they managed the first time around then how good will future stuff be?!

And with all of that this blog is done and over. 2019 looks promising for gaming and should hopefully be able to deliver some reprive for us that are around to deal with a world gone mad. Until then, bye-onara!

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