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Platforming Piers 2: Reef Revelations


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After over a years time,  I’ve finally published another level.  It’s actually my first level created since doing PANDAmonium for GOTY edition.  Wait this is actually my first published level since Nov.  2008….holy crap….that’s…..14 months.  Anyway, It’s called Platforming Piers 2: Reef Revelations and as you might have already guessed, you’ll be swimming below the piers this time.  This is also my first collaborative effort using online create with my friend KAPBAM.  His ideas and techniques are used extensively throughout the level, along with some great design.

This level encourages relaxing exploration as there are multiple hidden areas along with a 2X area, an alternate route as well as the option to play through the level 2 different ways.  I know that sounds a little redundant but just play through once, get the sticker switch and use it at the beginning of the level and you’ll find out what I mean.  This wouldn’t have been possible had it not been for  KAPBAM.  The functionality behind this feature is probably the most complex of any of my levels.  I assure you that part 3 and 4 will be just as amazing if not more.  So in the meantime, check out this quick video I created as kind of promo video I suppose.  I love doing this kind of stuff!  Hope you enjoy.  Oh and let me know what you think of the level.