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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

Alright, time for a Game of the Year list. It was a fairly tricky list with some games being left out because I haven't played them yet, although there are a handful that most have as definitely on their lists falling completely flat for me. That being said, onto the games!

List items

  • A Lord of the Rings game is usually asking for trouble from the get go, but in this case Shadow of Mordor is a fantastically crafted experience. Taking elements from other series such as climbing and stealth from Assassin's Creed and combat from the Batman Arkham series, these systems are blended together into a formula that is excellent. Toss the new Nemesis system onto solid gameplay and it makes an unbeatable combination in my eyes. Even though the story is middling at best with a lackluster ending, you are able to make your own stories with your nemesis, hunting him down to the ends of the land for a showdown that is memorable and satisfying. Shadow of Mordor hits all the right notes and comes out at the top of the mountain of games this year for me, and I thank it for letting me play it its realm.

  • Shovel knight, a game that feels like has been out for ages now after seeing it at multiple PAX'es, but perhaps it has more to do with the aesthetic of the game itself. Even though the game is done in a classic style, the gameplay is sharp and the mechanics are rock solid of a game from today. This is a beautiful looking game plays as tightly as I could hope for. The music sounds amazing and fits the title perfectly. It has the looks of a classic game but with the power of modern equipment that brings it up to a higher level. Yacht Club put their hearts and souls into this game and it shines through in an unforgettable game. Bravo to all of your efforts.

  • Being a somewhat sentimental person, it doesn't take too much to get me feeling from a good story. Valiant Hearts as a story is wonderfully sad yet hopeful at the same time. Their take on World War One is inspiring and haunting, a cold reminder of what we are capable of during trying times. The gameplay itself is forgettable for the most part, collect items, some light platforming, a few driving sequences, even a rhythm game, but that's not what I'm here for. I want a good story out of my games first and foremost, this one has stuck with me months after I finished it and I feel like a better person to have stuck with it to the end. Even with their dismal year, Ubisoft still was able to put forth an amazing title even though it had very few towers to climb and less necks to stab.

  • Out of the gate, I had an extremely negative opinion of Sunset Overdrive. As I waited inline to play this at E3, their marketing strategy washed over me in a way that I felt like I needed a shower afterwards. All of it seemed off target and at times offensive, reinforced by terrible live speeches while waiting to play some multiplayer. At the time, the game did not speak to me at all. Upon release however, I spent some time with the game and realized how I was focused on the wrong things entirely. It plays smooth and fluid like a mashup of Infamous, Jet Set Radio and Saints Row 4. The gameplay is fast and frantic with plenty of satisfying moments when you pull off some amazing feat. The story is alright but its the tone of the game that really brings it together for me. It takes an hour or two to get through the rough opening spots, but once it opens up, it does not relent. Sunset Overdrive was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had this year regardless of how edgy it tries to be.

  • The souls games have been an interesting series for me. Demon Souls turned me off these games hard upon release due to its difficulty and the PvP aspect that left me with broken equipment frequently. Dark Souls brought me back with a slightly less difficult experience but a far more enjoyable overall package. Dark Souls II is a continuation of the latter, providing more of what I enjoyed while being slightly easier and more accessible. That being said the game is not perfect, the overall package feels like the full game was cut up and the removed parts were made into DLC, the menus are still terrible and the online is questionable at the best of times. Despite its issues, Dark Souls II had me from the start and hasn't let go since. Dying hasn't been this much fun in a long time.

  • Call of Duty has fallen so far over the last few years, it almost hurts to see how bad its gotten. There is so much unbridled aggression towards the series that people won't even give it the time of day. After last years offering of Ghosts, I was skeptical, I run a few tournaments for all sorts of games, but the one I always looked forward to doing was CoD. This past year I cancelled the entire Duty portion since Ghosts was so bad. Advanced Warfare has reinvigorated my love for the series with a new developer stepping up and knocking it out of the park on their first solo game in the franchise. The action is fast and fluid, the maps are well designed, the new features added to the game to differentiate it feel wonderful. Some say that it just steals from Titanfall, but it feels like an upgrade in every single way and even has a single player mode which is the best it has been in years. Advanced Warfare keeps Call of Duty at the top of the heap for shooters for another year with a stellar entry. This series needs to up its game to try to get away from its decline, but this is a step in the right direction, excellent work guys, can't wait to see your next offering.

  • Bleak, troubling, sad. All of these words describe This War of Mine as your band of survivors try to make it through another day during the war which broke out around them. Making the tough decisions is what its all about: will you steal from the elderly couple to ensure your groups survival? Is it alright to take medical supplies from a hospital to save a friend? What will you do when a wounded person knocks at the door, will you help them or turn them away? These are the kind of dilemmas you will face while playing which is a taxing feat on top of keeping your shelter running and the spirits of your people up. Playing this game has made me question myself on how I would react in the same situation and feeling a wide array of emotions every time something happens. Once a game does that, it has its hooks in me and I don't want it to let go. This War of Mine is a scavenging and crafting game at its heart, but I wouldn't change a thing.

  • The thought of a South Park game doesn't interest me normally, they have put out some trash in the past. The Stick of Truth on the other hand is a great experience for the person who loves South Park. A light RPG is basically fitted into a 12ish hour long episode of the show, with more callbacks and cameos jammed in than you'd think would be possible. After taking two things that I enjoy individually and slapping them together in a great package, South Park The Stick of Truth shines bright during a dark year in gaming.

  • D4, aka the game that made me buy a Kinect. What a strange and fantastic game D4 is, its ludicrous in a way that I appreciate on so many levels. Being little more than an interactive point and click adventure with quick time events, its all brought together with a somewhat insane story with fun colorful characters. I don't know who had the faith to let SWERY put this out, but I want to shake their hand because much like Deadly Premonition, this is an experience that I would recommend anyone to enjoy.

  • Despite all of its shortcomings, Destiny has a place on my list. Was it underwhelming and very light on content? Sure. Was it the savior of games like it was touted to be? Nope. Is there way to expand on their world by adding in overpriced DLC that doesn't give nearly enough for its price tag? Yes. But when it comes down to it, this is the game that I've played the most this year and still am playing with friends. That reason alone is enough to earn it a spot on my list, a place at the bottom, but a place regardless.