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Season Passes have tainted DLC

Have season passes tainted DLC? Well, for me I would say yes they have. I remember a time when getting DLC for a game would fill me with excitement. The idea of returning to a game world that I love and enjoyed playing with fresh new content was always a thrill. Now, whenever I hear the word of DLC I'm filled with trepidation and nervousness. Ever since developers and publishers found out they could make money by withholding content from games and charging for them later and people would pay for things upfront without even knowing what it is. It was at that moment when most good DLC started to go by the wayside.

There have been more big releases these days using season passes to make a quick buck. Items and missions that could have been unlockable content, now are used to lure fans they know will buy them into overpaying for them. Now, I understand gaming is a business and making games are expensive, but you could actually make good DLC worth money instead of silly costumes. Dead or Alive 5 has a season pass worth $70 for merely cosmetic costumes. Who started the trend of season passes you ask? Well, it started with L.A. Noire when they introduced it to the world. It was only ten dollars and half the price of what it would be if it was all bought separately. Ten dollars isn;t so bad but, now you usually see season passes run the price of 30 to 40 to even 50 dollars for content we don't even know what it is. EA's Star Wars Battlefront charged you 50 dollars for a season pass after paying already paying 60 dollars for the game. That is nuts and they aren't the only one doing it. Bethesda had a season pass for Fallout 4 and at first was 30 bucks, which is alright, but then they raised to 50 saying they are adding more than they thought to it. Well, what we got was two story DLCs, a bunch of workshop add-ons, and glorified side missions, I will admit robot building was pretty cool, it wasn't enough to justify the raise in price.

Maybe, a reason why DLC and season passes is the way are the way they are currently is because of the strict deadlines publishers give developers to make a game. Instead of having the correct amount of time to get all the games content out they have to cut it and make it DLC later. Whatever it may be I for one am tired of season passes. They are still good games with excellent DLC content, like Red Dead, GTA IV, and Borderlands 2 so maybe we have to be more selective with how we spend our money to stop the horrible season passes from happening. Thank you for reading and have an excellent day.

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