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Borderlands 2 killed the first one for me

Have you ever played a sequel to a game that improves upon the formula so well it makes the predecessor unplayable? When the game first came out you could have played it relentlessly, but since the sequel, you try to go back to it and it feels dated. This has happened to me for plenty of games and when it happens it's a testament to the developer for completely outdoing their sequel. This is the reason why I can't play Gearbox's RPG, loot farming, fps Borderlands.

I really enjoyed the Borderlands game when it came out back in 2009. The characters were enjoying to play as any character out of any RPG. Being it was the first time I had played a game that was a mix of shooter and RPG and it stuck out in my mind. The fun was always dialed up to eleven when it came to playing with friends online and on the couch. I had some laughs with my friends talking about this game and its hilarity. The first time I saw the caption for Nine Toes saying he also had three balls had me dying. The ability for the characters like Brick's punching with exploding fists to Roland throwing out a turret to assist you in battle by healing you and giving out ammo.

The multiple enemy types and unique enemy types that littered pandora made it feel like it was an actual world. I had hours upon hours of fun playing them all with my Vault Hunter of choice with one of the thousand upon thousand of guns at my disposal. The humor was the best I've seen in a game from a shooter and different from the bro shooters we had on the market flooding the shelves. It didn't take itself too seriously and neither were you supposed to and while lacking an engaging story mode, claptrap being weak, annoying, and unfunny to me. I was able to look past that because the game was a blast to play. It all changed the day the sequel came out.

Borderlands 2 came out and only added to what the first game brought. It took the special abilities and added more flair to it while also fleshed them out and also adding more diversity on how your character was built. The gunplay was tighter and better with their somehow being, even more, guns in this one than the first one. You had a more varied look to guns and even had grenade mods to add flair grenades in the game and made you actually want to use them in combat. Borderlands 2 introduced a new element in corrosive adding a different way to take down enemies. Little touches to the guns made them all feel unique and the distinct ways each gun would look different from Maliwan's color scheme and elemental focus to Dahl's camoflauge finish and sleek design.The abilites of the characters were improved upon and the skill trees added ways for you to have a different experience no matter how you play.

The story was engaging from start to finish with an actual antagonist who you loved to hate. The moment you find out Angel was leading you on the entire two games all for the benefit of Handsome Jack my mind needed to be swept up off the floor. A person I had grown to trust and rely on turns out to be be working for the enemy before I even knew who he was. It took the goofiness and amusement of the last game upped the ante. Who could forget the way Handsome Jack antagonised you all the whole way throughout the game and even bought a diamond pony just to brag about it to you. How you first meet Ellie by crushing a car with the bandit still inside it. Claptrap even managed to not be nearly as annoying this time around and got laughs out of me especially with his birthday party that nobody showed up for and the quest for all the preposterious things he wanted only for you to turn around and find the item transfer box.

I've tried to go back to play the first one, but everytime I try I only yearn to go back to playing the second one again and eventually go back to playing that one. When it comes down to it Borderlands 1 is dwarfed by Borderlands 2 and that doesn't make it bad just antiquated in the way it feels and plays. Do you have a game sequels that comes out and completely improves the game before it and make the game harder to play through? Tell me and share why and also have a wonderful whatever time it is for you.


Can opinions be wrong?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone about a video game, comic, or movie and your listening to it and you know there wrong, but when you bring up why there wrong and you get this dreaded response. Well, that's just your opinion man. I get that people can have different opinions from mine it's one of the reasons I like talking about games and nerd culture for those reasons. There comes a point though when even if it's there opinion it can still be wrong.

I was having a conversation with a friend about Fallout 4. My friend said it was a bad game and I simply replied with no it isn't. What went on for 25 minutes was a discussion, well more so it was him trying to convince me that Fallout 4 is a bad game. I told him I have been playing games for most of my life I know what a bad game is. He said that it went away from what makes Fallout "Fallout" so that makes it a bad game. Another thing that boggles me was he said he played the game for 50 hours and came to that conclusion. Baring the fact that you don't put that much time in a game if it's bad it's ludicrous to say a game is bad if you dislike it. You see it on the internet all the time in the comments of IGN, GameSpot, Kotaku, or even youtube videos. There was a comment that I read that said The Last of Us is a garbage game. I didn't respond as to not get into a comment war with a random person because it's a waste of time. There are games out there that are good no matter how you feel about it and there are unequivocally bad games out there without a shadow of a doubt. Amy is a bad game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is a bad game, Superman 64 is a bad game, E.T. on Atari 2600 is a bad game so on and so forth you get what I'm saying. You could be the biggest Superman 64 fan on the planet, if there are any, doesn't change the fact that the game is bad. You can overlook it's flaws, but those flaws still exist anyway and the same can be said for good games.

The same can be said for other means of entertainment as well. One comedy movie I like is Norbit. Now, as much as I like the movie and find it to be somewhat funny I will tell anyone the movie is absolutely garbage. It perpetuates stereotypes and at times it can be cringy as hell, but it doesn't stop me from liking the movie overall knowing it's a bad movie. What I think the problem is some people are so don't like to admit that they are wrong. They would rather keep arguing a fact because they are embarrassed to admit when they are wrong and that boggles me. When I am wrong about something I am wrong and want to be told that so I can be more knowledgeable. Also some people could be ignorant to what makes a game a good game or what makes a good movie good. I'm no trying to change any person opinion about anything I'm just trying to change the way they present it.

With anything involving subjectivity there is going to people claiming one thing or another. So I'm want to ask what do you think about this and how do you feel about opinions? Do you think they can be wrong or maybe, I'm wrong about all this and opinions are just that opinions and I'm looking to deep into it. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful night.

P.S. I'm going to be writing my first game review and it's for Batman Arkham Knight. I should have it up by the end of the week at the latest. I'll want some feedback when it's up so I can refine why writing skills.

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Looking at the legacy and life of the Atari 2600

Today I'll take a look back at what led to the Atari 2600 and how it did during its console lifespan. This is the second in what will be me recounting the history of video game consoles that impacted the industry. I started with the Magnavox Odyssey and you can go to it on my blog page to read it.

With gaming becoming more popular thanks to the Odyssey and the release of PONG to arcades, bars, and amusement parks. The success of that led to an interest in home console gaming and a man named Nolan Bushnell head of Atari decided to bring PONG to homes with the PONG home console. It was a smashing hit among families everywhere and a step forward for home console gaming. In response to that in 1976, Fairchild Camera and Instrument introduced the Channel F system, the ROM first cartridge-based video game system. The release of the Channel F made the cartridge game system here to stay in the video game industry.

In 1977, Atari ended up releasing the Atari VCS with nine games initially and came out to Macy's and Sears worldwide. Later the Atari VCS was renamed the Atari 2600 and as we know it would come to dominate the industry for years to come. In the Christmas of 1977 oversupply wold be a bane to all gaming consoles except for Atari which came out unscathed by it. The following holiday season in 1978 Atari would come to have a spectacular holiday season. The release of games like Outlaw, Space War, and Breakout hitting the console helped the sales of the Atari 2600. Even with the rising success of the Atari 2600 internally the company was going through a major change. Nolan Bushnell the head of Atari and inventor of PONG left the company. Nolan went on to purchase pizza time theater and it would later become the franchise known as Chuck E. Cheese. Later, in 1979, Atari continued releasing games with 12 releases for the Atari 2600 forwarding the legacy of the console.

The Atari 2600
The Atari 2600

Soon Mattel and Magnavox would release another console to combat the Atari known as the Intellivision and Odyssey 2. Atari knew that they would need a hit to fight back against the competition and they released the now classic game known as Space Invaders. This turns out to be the first video game "killer app" selling Atari 2600s like crazy just so people can play it. Atari later after the gangbuster that is Space Invaders released a game called Adventure. Adventure was in fact the first video game with to have an easter egg and you would get it by placing an object in a certain area revealed the programmers name Warren Robinett.

Space Invaders the first killer game app
Space Invaders the first killer game app

1980 saw the creation of a gaming company that is so prominent today and as well was the one of the first third-party software producer Activision. What started with four former employees who were tired of working at Atari and fed up with the working conditions decided to break out on their own. They came out with four games Derby, Checkers, Dragster, and Boxing. These games came out to critical success and proved the Atari 2600 was capable of better games than Atari themselves had been providing. Atari not wanting sales to be taking from them wanted to stop Activision from making games and to avail they failed.

By 1982 Atari wanted to combat the ColecoVision and they released the Atari 5200 console. Due to that coming out and wanting the Atari 2600 to compete with everything else they lowered the price to $100. Later that year Atari released the games Pac-Man and E.T. and was a resounding failure, but despite these games selling poorly, the 2600 was still selling strongly. While Atari was fighting to stop Activision from selling third party games, but the issue was finally resolved when Atari allowed then to keep making games in exchange for royalties from them. Suddenly software companies everywhere started making games for the Atari 2600 and even a company by the name of Mystique who made x-rated games for the 2600. This however worked out to Atari's favor with the influx of software and many tried to cash in on this by releasing so many games for the hardware.

Nolan Bushnell and the Atari early model
Nolan Bushnell and the Atari early model

By 1983 with so many companies trying to jump on the gaming bandwagon in turned out to be to much to handle and many companies started to close as a result. The now infamous video game crash was starting to happen and everybody was taking on the chin even Atari. Due to the crash, they had to cut the price of their console in half with it now selling for 45 to 50 dollars. Even then Atari still managed to sell a million units over the next couple of years. In 1987, after the resurgence of the industry, thanks to Nintendo and the Famicon (Known as the NES here in America) Atari began again making games for the 2600. Q*Bert and Donkey Kong were licensed from other companies and Atari made games like Donkey Kong JR. Even third party companies started making games again for the 2600. 1988 saw the rehiring of Nolan Bushnell to Atari and a bunch of new games being sold under his name hoping to increase sales. Atari still managed to sell games until 1989 where the 2600 was seeming to reach the end of it's run as a console.

The Atari 2600 led to a lot of things good and bad in the video game industry. The formation of Activision and the creation of third party games for a console, but also the video game crash and how it showed that people weren't just going to play any craps games that came out. Today with the recent trend of retro gaming and the internet as a whole as reintroduced fans to the 2600 and it continues to "live" on 24 years after it's release.

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Gaming genres you try to like but just can't

When it comes to some gaming genres no matter how much I try I just can't get into to some of them. It comes down to personal tastes obliviously, but that doesn't mean I haven't tried to expand my gaming preferences. Even then there are some genres I can't seem to find the right game to hook me into it. I have nothing personal against these games or genres and will always be willing to try them out once I find the right game.

Horror games like amnesia and outlast are some games that look like fun to play. Every time I play them I end up getting bored quickly. This is partly due to the fact that I don't like the horror genre in the first place. It's because I'm always expecting a scare or I'm not particularly not playing the game in the right settings. When I first tried Outlast it was with a couple friends watching and one of them gets scared a lot easier than I would and so her getting freaked out by the jump scares I could see coming didn't really help at all. I want to get into the horror genre because being scared and freaked out is fun I don't want to have to dumb myself down so to speak to be scared though. Not saying people who are scared easily are dumb I'm just not that person.

RTS games are another genre I want to get into because from what I played of Civilization and from what I watched of games like Total War and Starcraft on youtube they look like a blast. This is just a problem of me not having access to a P.C. good enough to play those games in optimal fashion. I always heard good things about Halo Wars, but alas I don't have an Xbox One at the moment to try out the new beta that I hear has been going on. The second thing with RTS is they are kinda intimidating to play. There is so much info thrown at you and a lot you have to learn before you can get good at it. Hopefully someone I will get a laptop that will be able to play some P.C. games decently and I can dive into this genre that looks fun and engaging.

The final genre I wanted to bring up was the survival sandbox games like Minecraft and 7 days to die. I have friends all the time trying to get me to play games like this and I'm willing to give it a try, but I always run into the same problem. I find them really boring to play and it's not because it's open world. I have fun with tons of world games because I feel you have a end goal in them and that's something to strive for. When it comes to something like Minecraft you really just survive and after a while I end up just wondering why I'm doing anything. I have come to understand that this genre is not for me out of all the genres I've listed.

I have said this and will keep saying that out of all the games out there and all the genres that we have to choose from there is game out there for me to play. I'm not trying to force myself to like them by any means and it is more so me trying to get a better understanding on what makes these games fun and how it makes the gamer feel overall to get a better understanding of games. Are there any game genre you aren't particularly into no matter what effort you put into it? Do you enjoy playing anything or are there you can suggest for me to try in the genres I have talked about above. Let me know and thank you for reading folks.

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I dislike the emphasis on1080p and 60fps

I'm going to go on a slight rant here so be prepared. Gaming developers have done something over the last couple of years and it still frustrates me to this day everytime I hear it. The emphasis on 1080p and 60fps for video games. All the time you hear people when a new game is being demoed someone eventually asks if it runs at 60fps. I understand that there is a standard when it comes to video games and how they should look and run. Nobody wants to play a game in this day that runs poorly myself included. What I don't understand is why some gamers are so obsessed with a game running at a certain frame rate.

I see this in a lot of P.C. gamers on the internet and a from friends I know. They always wanna boast that their gaming apparatus is the best thing ever. I played on plenty of gaming pcs so I'm not ignorant to the might of a gaming PC, but it still bugs me when I feel I'm looked down because I didn't choose to play on a PC. I had a friend who went out of his way to not play The Witcher 3 because he found out it ran at the same framerate and resolution as the PS4. I think that is a stupid reason to not play a game especially one as critically acclaimed as The Witcher 3. It isn't only the PC gamers who act like this. There is always silly arguments over what console is better and people trying to prove what they bought is better so they could feel good about their purchase. What doesn't help this is the fact that framerate and resolution are always marketed heavily when it comes to anything these days.

I guess what I'm asking for is the world where we all can understand that not everybody plays games for the same reason as you. I know that will never happen and it's a miracle to ask for it. I'm tired of hearing what framerate and resolution a game is going to be at. If it sucks then I will be able to tell if it runs badly when I watch gameplay footage on youtube. I play games that are good whether that be because of its voice acting and immersive characters and the world like The Last Of Us. The fantastic and tight gameplay like COD and Wolfenstein. For its weirdness and comedic undertones like in the latest Yakuza 0 or for its strategic gameplay and the critical thinking, you have to do while playing like Civilization or Halo Wars. At the end of the day, I feel focusing on the looks of a game is such a superficial way of judging a game. What matters is if it's fun and enjoyable to you and that is the only thing that should matter when it comes to a game.

Well, thank you for listening to me rant for a minute and let me know if you dislike the emphasis on 60fps and 1080p resolution as much as me. If you don't tell me why you care about it and maybe you might change my mind I'm always open to it. Also tell what are the big things you look for when you play video games. Have a wonderful night, people.

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The voice actor strike. How do you feel about it?

As of today, the voice actor strike has been ongoing for 98 days. That makes it the second longest strike for the screen actors guild passing the 95-day mark from a strike in the 1980s. For those who haven't been paying attention, the SAG-ATRA strike started back on October 21st against what they are calling the video game companies and has been in full swing ever since. While deals were negotiated between the union and SAG-ATRA for 19 months they ultimately fell apart in the end.

Prominent voice actors like Jennifer Hale, David Hayter, and Elias Toufexis and others have sought out to strike against 11 video game companies. Some of these companies are big triple a companies like EA, Activision, Insomniac, Disney, and Warner Brothers. Why are they striking you ask? Well, one of the demands they are asking for is residuals for they games they work on. They want this because no matter how well a game sells they get no secondary compensation for it. What they are asking for is a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads, or reaches 2 million unique subscribers, with a cap at 8 million. This is important for people who work on a freelance basis and go from job to job like voice actors do and the fact that voice acting is also very stressful on your vocal cords. Having to go out into a booth and scream and yell for four hours straight and basically perform a one-man can impact your performance on other jobs. Jennifer Hale even stated that a friend of hers was even going through vocal surgery because of the stressful work that voice acting brings. Many other voice actors also do work for commercials which are a big money maker for them said he had to cancel on a commercial shoot because they couldn't speak for a week losing out on that payday. Stunt coordinators are also wanted for when they have to do mo-cap for a character. While movies and tv may have them video games don't get this luxury and they believe it could help with learning how to perform better and making games more realistic overall. They also ant less transparency when it comes to what they are working on. Background of the character and what they are like would help in portraying that character.

On the side of the video game industry, they believe that voice actors only make up a tenth of one percent of the work that goes into making a video game. We know video games cost millions of dollars to make already so anytime they can save money the better. Another belief is that most video gamers don't care enough about the voice actors for them to receive a pay raise in any way. A statement that I personally don't believe in, but I understand I am an anomaly when it comes to how closely I follow video games. Nolan North even had some words for the voice actors who are on strike while he received his award at the video game awards. “Performance matters,” mimicking the hashtag the actors on strike use to promote the strike on twitter, “The performance of every designer, every programmer, of every hard working and talented person who works at that office. That performance is so important. Their performance matters more than mine. That’s important in this day and age, with all this talk going back and forth. Without their performance, my performance wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t even exist.” Nolan North may have a different experience being he is the most recognizable name in video games today and he even acknowledged that in an interview with Polygon. Some of the big video game companies even called out the union for its lack of communication with the actors on what they are willing to negotiate, and forcing a strike in the first place.

This is a very interesting thing I wanted to look into and see how it affects the video game industry as a whole. With the fact that only 25% of video game companies use voice actors in the union in the first place I don't think this have a big impact on the industry at all. There are so many people who are inspiring voice actors who will do anything just to get a job performing for a game. How do you feel about the voice actor strike and who's side are you on in this? I personally side more with the video game industry, but that doesn't mean I dismiss the hard work voice actors put into games. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

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Favorite Anime Themes

I don't now what it is about anime, but they always have awesome themes for their shows. Out of all the anime I watched, which isn't alot, I have a few that stand out above the rest for me.

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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Hologram

Picking a theme from the FMA Brotherhood was a tough choice since I could make a list with all of them of the themes they are so good. I ended up with this one because of the way it sounds and how well it goes with the opening associated with it. The chorus is catchy and the song is very upbeat sounding making this one my favorite out of all of them.

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One Punch Man - Hero

I recently watched One Punch Man and to my surprise I enjoyed it. My first thought when I heard of the premise is why would I want watch a show where I know the hero is gonna win in one punch. What I got was an anime with epic visuals, great characters, and a theme that gets you pumped for the awesomeness Saitama and company is about to bring.

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Food Wars - Kibou no Uta - I don't know what initially brought me to Food Wars and the first couple episodes I watched almost turned me off by its weirdness. I stuck with it anyway and found it to be a charming anime with it's quirkiness and fun. It goofiness is one of the things I love and it's anime theme is always gets me pumped for the episode.

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Btooom - No Pain, No Game - I for one liked this anime when I watched it and hope for it to get a second season. Saying this theme was the perfect for the tone of the anime. Btooom was about a group of children getting transported to a island to take part and a death-match based off a famous video game. The anime may not be as popular as most and with the manga not selling well I doubt I get closure for the cliff hanger it left me on.

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Haikyuu - One type of anime I didn't think I would ever enjoy is a sport anime. Now, I find myself loving all different types of them. From Haikyuu to Kuroko's basketball the sport anime is my favorite genre of anime. This theme stands out above all the other sport anime themes because of the message of going through whatever you have to achieve your dream. Let nothing stop you on your path on that goal.

Those are my favorite anime themes and let me know what some of yours are? What are also one your favorite anime's in general? Let me know and have a nice day.

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How do you deal with the hype monster?

Hype is something that will always exist when it comes to media in life. We all naturally have expectations for the things we enjoy, but hype when not contained it can become a huge monster that can never be sated. Being the type of person who follows games and nerd culture I'm exposed to the games, movies, and comics coming out and the buzz around them. While having hype is understandable to have for a product your excited about I believe we as consumers need to take a hard look at how hype can ruin our expectation of things.

As a big DC fan I was absolutely stoked to see Batman vs Superman for the first time together on the big screen. Alas when the movie came out I among other legions of fans was disappointed with what we got. No Man's Sky looked to change the way survival adventure genre worked, but what we got a game with to little features for way to much money. Now, some would say it was my fault for having such high expectations for the these things. I feel that statement is only partially right. While you can't really fault anybody for wanting something they are excited for to be good. You also have to look at things more critically and have a more judgmental eye when it comes certain things.

What brought this questioning on was a recent conversation with my brother about the new power rangers trailer. I told my brother that I don't think the new power rangers movie is going to be any good. His response was something along the lines of "You shouldn't have any expectations for this movie". What almost led giant spiel about how you shouldn't just blindly accept everything put in front of you like Jerry from Rick and Morty, but after the conversation I started to really think about what hype can do to something and after all that I came to a simple conclusion. I will keep hyping up the things I enjoy, but with realistic expectations. Why because I believe if you enjoy something you should expect to be a certain quality. The new Logan movie coming out if it doesn't live up to my expectations will I be disappointed yes, but I feel it's better than just being a mindless person willing to enjoy anything in front of my face.

How do you deal with hype? Do you shun all the news and trailers for a upcoming video game or movie? Do you eat up every bit of news so you can go into it with a knowledgeable and informed idea about what that product is? Thank you for reading and have a nice day ladies and gents.

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How difficulty effects gameplay and atmosphere

With the release of the Ni-Oh timed demo and it's unforgiving difficulty I started to think about how difficulty can mold a different type of experience the player has while playing it. Some gamers, like myself included love the thrill of a difficult game and love when a game can punishes me for every mistake I make. While I do love that challenge sometimes when I play a game I want to feel like that unstoppable, powerful, hero capable of going through anything thrown my way on my journey.

Would Dark Souls feel and play the same way if it wasn't so difficult? The answer to that question is no it wouldn't. The charm and appeal to Dark Souls is the fact that no matter what enemy I'm fighting if I'm careless I will be killed. If I try to fight to many enemies at once like I'm a superhero I will die. You can't slack in a game like that and it makes the elation I feel so much stronger when I beat that monster that has killed me several times before or powering through a tough boss battle makes all the frustration worth it.

Another thought is would Dynasty Warriors feel the same if a weak, unimportant, no name soldier could kill you? It wouldn't feel the same at all. The feeling of being that all-powerfull general on a battlefield going thorough waves and waves of enemies is something that makes Dynasty Warriors what it is. Also when you finally find that other general or warlord you're supposed to kill it makes the confrontation feel all the more epic because he doesn't just fall to your most basic attacks.

There are ways that difficulty not only affects the gameplay but also in the way how it makes the atmosphere and environment around you. A good example of this is Fallout 4's survival mode. When playing on non-survival mode the wasteland feels like a dangerous place, but it always feels like something you can handle. When you switch to survival mode the wasteland feels like an entirely different thing altogether. You question everything you do and every choice you make can lead to your demise. The same can be said for Dead Space's impossible making the whole game a tense experience that will challenge you in ways you never expect.

While difficulty can certainly change the gameplay for the better it can also change it for the worst. Halo 2 is guilty of this by making the harder in unbalanced ways. Bullet sponge enemies and Jackal snipers that seem to headshot you everytime no matter what. Even when you finish the battle or fight you don't feel that same relief you feel from Dark Souls. When playing Dark Souls or Bloodbourne and I die the deaths don't feel cheap. I know I made a mistake and feel like I've gotten better at the game and become more skilled. Halo 2 kills in ways that are unfair that even when you beat the level or fight you feel you just got lucky and haven't actually improved. Some games forgo a difficulty setting altogether like Dark Souls, but what they add is a dynamic difficulty. A popular game that does this is Resident Evil 4, something I only found out recently. When you go around headshoting zombies and killing everything in sight the game adds more enemies for you to fight and makes the game encounters tougher as a result. It works in the opposite way as well as in when you die over and over in the same fight the game will take notice and lower the amount of enemies you have to face or take the tougher enemies away.

The difficulty in a game is something that adds to a game in a myriad of ways, maybe in ways, you wouldn't realize. Give it some thought next you are playing a game that is beating you down or you're just coasting through it. Also tell me if you like playing games on the hardest difficulty or do you play on a more easier one to have a more relaxing experience. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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Season Passes have tainted DLC

Have season passes tainted DLC? Well, for me I would say yes they have. I remember a time when getting DLC for a game would fill me with excitement. The idea of returning to a game world that I love and enjoyed playing with fresh new content was always a thrill. Now, whenever I hear the word of DLC I'm filled with trepidation and nervousness. Ever since developers and publishers found out they could make money by withholding content from games and charging for them later and people would pay for things upfront without even knowing what it is. It was at that moment when most good DLC started to go by the wayside.

There have been more big releases these days using season passes to make a quick buck. Items and missions that could have been unlockable content, now are used to lure fans they know will buy them into overpaying for them. Now, I understand gaming is a business and making games are expensive, but you could actually make good DLC worth money instead of silly costumes. Dead or Alive 5 has a season pass worth $70 for merely cosmetic costumes. Who started the trend of season passes you ask? Well, it started with L.A. Noire when they introduced it to the world. It was only ten dollars and half the price of what it would be if it was all bought separately. Ten dollars isn;t so bad but, now you usually see season passes run the price of 30 to 40 to even 50 dollars for content we don't even know what it is. EA's Star Wars Battlefront charged you 50 dollars for a season pass after paying already paying 60 dollars for the game. That is nuts and they aren't the only one doing it. Bethesda had a season pass for Fallout 4 and at first was 30 bucks, which is alright, but then they raised to 50 saying they are adding more than they thought to it. Well, what we got was two story DLCs, a bunch of workshop add-ons, and glorified side missions, I will admit robot building was pretty cool, it wasn't enough to justify the raise in price.

Maybe, a reason why DLC and season passes is the way are the way they are currently is because of the strict deadlines publishers give developers to make a game. Instead of having the correct amount of time to get all the games content out they have to cut it and make it DLC later. Whatever it may be I for one am tired of season passes. They are still good games with excellent DLC content, like Red Dead, GTA IV, and Borderlands 2 so maybe we have to be more selective with how we spend our money to stop the horrible season passes from happening. Thank you for reading and have an excellent day.

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