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Gaming genres you try to like but just can't

When it comes to some gaming genres no matter how much I try I just can't get into to some of them. It comes down to personal tastes obliviously, but that doesn't mean I haven't tried to expand my gaming preferences. Even then there are some genres I can't seem to find the right game to hook me into it. I have nothing personal against these games or genres and will always be willing to try them out once I find the right game.

Horror games like amnesia and outlast are some games that look like fun to play. Every time I play them I end up getting bored quickly. This is partly due to the fact that I don't like the horror genre in the first place. It's because I'm always expecting a scare or I'm not particularly not playing the game in the right settings. When I first tried Outlast it was with a couple friends watching and one of them gets scared a lot easier than I would and so her getting freaked out by the jump scares I could see coming didn't really help at all. I want to get into the horror genre because being scared and freaked out is fun I don't want to have to dumb myself down so to speak to be scared though. Not saying people who are scared easily are dumb I'm just not that person.

RTS games are another genre I want to get into because from what I played of Civilization and from what I watched of games like Total War and Starcraft on youtube they look like a blast. This is just a problem of me not having access to a P.C. good enough to play those games in optimal fashion. I always heard good things about Halo Wars, but alas I don't have an Xbox One at the moment to try out the new beta that I hear has been going on. The second thing with RTS is they are kinda intimidating to play. There is so much info thrown at you and a lot you have to learn before you can get good at it. Hopefully someone I will get a laptop that will be able to play some P.C. games decently and I can dive into this genre that looks fun and engaging.

The final genre I wanted to bring up was the survival sandbox games like Minecraft and 7 days to die. I have friends all the time trying to get me to play games like this and I'm willing to give it a try, but I always run into the same problem. I find them really boring to play and it's not because it's open world. I have fun with tons of world games because I feel you have a end goal in them and that's something to strive for. When it comes to something like Minecraft you really just survive and after a while I end up just wondering why I'm doing anything. I have come to understand that this genre is not for me out of all the genres I've listed.

I have said this and will keep saying that out of all the games out there and all the genres that we have to choose from there is game out there for me to play. I'm not trying to force myself to like them by any means and it is more so me trying to get a better understanding on what makes these games fun and how it makes the gamer feel overall to get a better understanding of games. Are there any game genre you aren't particularly into no matter what effort you put into it? Do you enjoy playing anything or are there you can suggest for me to try in the genres I have talked about above. Let me know and thank you for reading folks.

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