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I dislike the emphasis on1080p and 60fps

I'm going to go on a slight rant here so be prepared. Gaming developers have done something over the last couple of years and it still frustrates me to this day everytime I hear it. The emphasis on 1080p and 60fps for video games. All the time you hear people when a new game is being demoed someone eventually asks if it runs at 60fps. I understand that there is a standard when it comes to video games and how they should look and run. Nobody wants to play a game in this day that runs poorly myself included. What I don't understand is why some gamers are so obsessed with a game running at a certain frame rate.

I see this in a lot of P.C. gamers on the internet and a from friends I know. They always wanna boast that their gaming apparatus is the best thing ever. I played on plenty of gaming pcs so I'm not ignorant to the might of a gaming PC, but it still bugs me when I feel I'm looked down because I didn't choose to play on a PC. I had a friend who went out of his way to not play The Witcher 3 because he found out it ran at the same framerate and resolution as the PS4. I think that is a stupid reason to not play a game especially one as critically acclaimed as The Witcher 3. It isn't only the PC gamers who act like this. There is always silly arguments over what console is better and people trying to prove what they bought is better so they could feel good about their purchase. What doesn't help this is the fact that framerate and resolution are always marketed heavily when it comes to anything these days.

I guess what I'm asking for is the world where we all can understand that not everybody plays games for the same reason as you. I know that will never happen and it's a miracle to ask for it. I'm tired of hearing what framerate and resolution a game is going to be at. If it sucks then I will be able to tell if it runs badly when I watch gameplay footage on youtube. I play games that are good whether that be because of its voice acting and immersive characters and the world like The Last Of Us. The fantastic and tight gameplay like COD and Wolfenstein. For its weirdness and comedic undertones like in the latest Yakuza 0 or for its strategic gameplay and the critical thinking, you have to do while playing like Civilization or Halo Wars. At the end of the day, I feel focusing on the looks of a game is such a superficial way of judging a game. What matters is if it's fun and enjoyable to you and that is the only thing that should matter when it comes to a game.

Well, thank you for listening to me rant for a minute and let me know if you dislike the emphasis on 60fps and 1080p resolution as much as me. If you don't tell me why you care about it and maybe you might change my mind I'm always open to it. Also tell what are the big things you look for when you play video games. Have a wonderful night, people.

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