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Can opinions be wrong?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone about a video game, comic, or movie and your listening to it and you know there wrong, but when you bring up why there wrong and you get this dreaded response. Well, that's just your opinion man. I get that people can have different opinions from mine it's one of the reasons I like talking about games and nerd culture for those reasons. There comes a point though when even if it's there opinion it can still be wrong.

I was having a conversation with a friend about Fallout 4. My friend said it was a bad game and I simply replied with no it isn't. What went on for 25 minutes was a discussion, well more so it was him trying to convince me that Fallout 4 is a bad game. I told him I have been playing games for most of my life I know what a bad game is. He said that it went away from what makes Fallout "Fallout" so that makes it a bad game. Another thing that boggles me was he said he played the game for 50 hours and came to that conclusion. Baring the fact that you don't put that much time in a game if it's bad it's ludicrous to say a game is bad if you dislike it. You see it on the internet all the time in the comments of IGN, GameSpot, Kotaku, or even youtube videos. There was a comment that I read that said The Last of Us is a garbage game. I didn't respond as to not get into a comment war with a random person because it's a waste of time. There are games out there that are good no matter how you feel about it and there are unequivocally bad games out there without a shadow of a doubt. Amy is a bad game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is a bad game, Superman 64 is a bad game, E.T. on Atari 2600 is a bad game so on and so forth you get what I'm saying. You could be the biggest Superman 64 fan on the planet, if there are any, doesn't change the fact that the game is bad. You can overlook it's flaws, but those flaws still exist anyway and the same can be said for good games.

The same can be said for other means of entertainment as well. One comedy movie I like is Norbit. Now, as much as I like the movie and find it to be somewhat funny I will tell anyone the movie is absolutely garbage. It perpetuates stereotypes and at times it can be cringy as hell, but it doesn't stop me from liking the movie overall knowing it's a bad movie. What I think the problem is some people are so don't like to admit that they are wrong. They would rather keep arguing a fact because they are embarrassed to admit when they are wrong and that boggles me. When I am wrong about something I am wrong and want to be told that so I can be more knowledgeable. Also some people could be ignorant to what makes a game a good game or what makes a good movie good. I'm no trying to change any person opinion about anything I'm just trying to change the way they present it.

With anything involving subjectivity there is going to people claiming one thing or another. So I'm want to ask what do you think about this and how do you feel about opinions? Do you think they can be wrong or maybe, I'm wrong about all this and opinions are just that opinions and I'm looking to deep into it. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful night.

P.S. I'm going to be writing my first game review and it's for Batman Arkham Knight. I should have it up by the end of the week at the latest. I'll want some feedback when it's up so I can refine why writing skills.

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