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A new good Superman game is past due

I was thinking about the successful Arkham series and how Rocksteady turned Batman from a laughing stock in the video game industry to a juggernaut. They utilized the Batman mythos and his powers and skillset to create fun engaging gameplay that made you feel like you were the dark knight stalking his prey in Gotham city. Most superhero games that focus solely on one hero turn out to be duds. For every Spider-Man 2, The Punisher, Hulk Ultimate Destruction, Wolverine Origins, and Ultimate Spider-Man you have the train-wrecks like X-Men Destiny, Catwoman, Watchmen: The End Is Nigh, the Thor game based off the movie, and just last year the awful TMNT game graced our eyeballs in truly horrific fashion. I believe with the right developer one superhero can get a spectacular game and he is Superman.

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I'll wait for the collective groin and PTSD flashbacks of the awful Superman 64 game to pass......okay your still hear, now just hear me out. Superman was, by all means, the first superhero and the reason we have superheroes today. If he bombed when he was first debuted back in 1938 we may not have a Batman, Spider-Man, Hulk, or Wonder-Woman today or the concept of superheroes would be very different. I hear the complaints of him being boring and what enemies would he fight since he is for all means invulnerable. Superman is a gold mine of potential for a great videogame he just needs the right ideas and good execution. With all those Superman can get the game he so rightly deserves.

First things first the game would have to be open world as I feel flying around Metropolis as Superman would be fun and entertaining to explore. The antagonist of the game would obviously be Lex Luther or maybe Brainiac or both working in a joint effort to take down Superman. Have them make some type magical or radioactive dome over Metropolis so he could be in a weakened state at all times. Then break everybody out of Stryker's Island so he can have an all of his villains to fight. Another idea is to instead of that have him fight kryptonite based enemies and he has to tackle each of those enemies in different ways based on how the kryptonite effects him. Green kryptonite drains his health and strength so he has to attack from afar with his heat vision, have blue kryptonite around so he can pick them up and get his health back, red kryptonite can nullify his power and he has to rely on stealth, his super intelligence, and investigative journalism skills to get past that missions. There is also other Kryptonians he could fight in the game as well. Have Brainiac restore Kandor to its original size and brainwash them into fighting for them and unleashing chaos or you could just have the Kryptonians not agree with how Superman is doing things. Any one of these ideas could work or a combination of the three could work as well.

There would, of course, have to be more than just fighting in the game. There could be some side missions where he has to save a civilian in time for they die and the more people he saves the more points he gets, which in turn leads to being able to upgrade his powers. Missions could range from stopping car robbers and bank robbers, to having to save people from a falling bridge or stopping fires with your freeze breath. You can even have a meter at the top of the screen that shows how much hope you bring to the citizens of Metropolis and the only way you can keep that meter up is to save metropolitans. I mean the guy has the symbol for hope on his chest for crying out loud I'm sure you could find a way to implement that into the game. Have Mr. Myxlplyx randomly show have Superman do challenges that could mimic the way the Batman AR challenges work that is repeatable. Have Superman use his super senses to help him detect people who might be in trouble and his x-ray vision that helps him mark enemies and see through walls. Another gameplay element could be putting lead walls in some buildings around the city that negates his x-ray vision. Maybe even make the Fortress of Solitude available to go to and have unlockable costumes like the all black suit from when he came back from the dead, his classic red and blue suit, new 52 version, red son suit, and even his 1938 suit from when he first graced comics.

Superman is too important to the Superhero genre, in general, to not have at least one marquee gaming title to his name. The critical success of Batman I feel it's only a matter of time before some developer figures out the key to making a great and enjoyable Superman that really makes you feel like the man of steel. See you guys tomorrow and have a nice day.

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I'm boarding the Nintendo Switch train

After watching the Nintendo Switch presentation, I walked away satisfied with what I saw. Was the 1 2 switch trailer slightly cringe-worthy, and did the translator sound like he hated his life and his job? Yes, absolutely. Is the launch line up the best? No, it's not, but the same could be said for the Xbox One and PS4 launch lineups, which weren't filled with very many spectacular games either. Besides those faults, I walked away from my tv more than ready to pay for a Switch day one, and with it being only 300 bucks, I have to say I've never been more excited for a Nintendo console launch.

Let's start off by mentioning the hardware. While the Switch will be less powerful and run at a lower resolution than other current generation consoles, I've never been one to care about resolution and graphics in my games. I believe those are superficial reasons to get excited about a console or game, and the only time a game should be judged by it's looks, is when it comes to art style. The Switch will come with three playable modes, those being tv mode, handheld mode, and tabletop mode, with the battery life lasting from around 2.5 to 6 hours depending on which game you're playing. The battery life is what I expected, and frankly, 2.5 hours of Skyrim, Mario, or Zelda on the go is fine by me. The JoyCon controllers are really interesting, and pack a lot of power into a tiny controller. They have accelerometer, and gyrosensors for motion control in each controller, haptic feedback, and Motion IR camera in the right Joy-Con, which senses the shape, motion and distance of objects in front of it. What that means is that it will be able to tell you what direction your hands are facing and where they are at, something new and unprecedented in controllers. With only 32gb of memory, I can see why people might be wary about it, but you can expand the storage with up to 256gb with micro SD cards that will help out on that front. Also, Nintendo games are generally smaller than most games on Xbox One and PS4, so I believe storage won't be a problem.

What also has me pumped, is the third-party support pouring in for the Switch, with over 80 third-party developers making games for the new Nintendo console. Developers like Square bringing in fives games, three of them being Dragon Quest titles, oddly enough. Bethesda bringing Skyrim special edition, Suda 51 is bringing a currently unknown game which features Travis Touchdown, and a Street Fighter 2 HD remake coming to the system as well. While we're on the subject of third-party games, I had noticed a shot during the trailer shown at the end of the conference, which featured an unknown DBZ fighting game. We don't know if it is a port of a previously released game, or if it's a brand new game exclusive to the Switch.

You can't talk about about Nintendo without talking about the first-party games, which is a large reason I look foward to Nintendo consoles. There is a new Mario which looks to harkin back to Super Mario 64, with it's butt-cam, which looks like it's talking place in our real world, or at least the hub world will be in a fictional New York, however, the big game for the Switch and the talk of the press conference is Zelda: Breath of The Wild. They premiered a trailer for it that looked absolutely phenomenal, which featured decent voice acting, but the huge announcement at the end of the trailer was that Breath of the Wild will be coming as a launch game, which makes up for the weak launch line up, as they probably knew that it would outshine anything else they would have been able to put out on the console in time.

Overall, I can say that I'm still excited about the launch, and hopefully pre-orders don't run out before I can get a chance to reserve, but even then, I will be getting a Switch as soon as possible, and I'm optimistic about the direction that Nintendo is going with the console, considering how large of a flop the Wii U was, both commercially and critically. How do you guys feel about the Switch, and do you think it's worth it? Will you be getting one at launch? Why or why not?

Have a nice day readers, and see you tomorrow.

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Looking back at 2016 and What excites me about 2017

With 2016 in the rearview mirror and 2017 on the horizon I wanted to take sometime to appreciate some of the big things that happened, while also talking about some noteworthy things that is happening in this coming year.

2016 was a memorable year for all things gaming for good and bad reasons. One of the most over-hyped games known as No Mans Sky finally released and it was as I expected was mostly underwhelming for a lot of people who played it myself included. What No Mans Sky did do for alot of people was show them that you should be careful with how hype you put into a game before release. Then there was the explosion of a mobile game that took the world by storm that was Pokemon Go. It was so successful that even the developer Niantic was caught off guard by the response that the game got. There was also the commercial and critical success releases of Uncharted 4 and the revival of the classic fps game known as Doom along with the Battlefield 1 coming in the fall to great success as well. We also finally got the release of games years in the making with The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV one of which is getting so so reviews while the latter is all round getting good critical success. I can't talk about gaming in 2016 without mention Blizzard knocking it out the park in a genre that they were not even familiar with Overwatch. It was so successful that it even had loads of porn made out of it, which I think is hilarious but completely understand why they put the stop to that. Also at the end of the year there was a surprise announcement for what many people had as their 2013 game of the year The Last of Us with The Last of Us Part II and many Sony fans collectively cried great screams of joy. While I can't talk about everything that happened in 2016 because we would all be hear forever 2016 shaped up to be a very great year for gaming.

While 2017 has started with a bad start with the cancellation of Scalebound which disappointed some fans and it's another exclusive that Microsoft misses out on, and also hearing that Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy VII are not coming out any time soon, but there are still some games releasing in 2017 that has me excited. The sequel to the DC fighting game Injustice is coming out and it looks to be everything I loved about the first one and more, while Mass Effect Andromeda is looking to come out in Mid March and I for one am very excited for. Another game that has been on peoples radar is the Sony exclusive Zero Horizon Dawn and it looks to be another hit for the Sony brand with it's open world game and interesting narrative. The first story DLC for Uncharted 4 is looking to release sometime this as well for the brand of Sony. Over on the Microsoft front we still have to look forward to the sequel to the zombie apocalypse game State of Decay which took away many hours of my life. There is the release of the RTS game Halo Wars 2 that I'm excited about even tho I'm not a big strategy game fan and you can't forget the colorful and wacky looking platformer Cuphead which looks like the offspring of Contra and old 80's Disney cartoon. There's Nintendo's new console The Switch coming to us sometime this year and we will find out more about during the presentation happening tonight at 8pm eastern time. I will probably be making a blog about The Switch so I don't talk it about it to much here.

Even with the great year we just had in gaming, 2017 may shape up to surpass that. What are you excited for and what was your best gaming memory or moment for 2016? As always I'll be back tomorrow with another blog post and hope you all have a wonderful day.

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The Revival of My Daily Blog

Hello GiantBomb bloggers and forum members alike, welcome to the revival of my daily blog. Now last year I wanted to start a daily blog to sharpen my writing skills, get used to writing something everyday, and use this as a stepping stone to kick open the door in the videogame industry and become a videogame journalist. Due to complications with where I was living at and dealing with some mental issues I unfortunately stopped. I even considered giving up on my dream of working in the industry that I love very much. What sparked the fire back in me you ask? Well it happened when I was talking to my dad and he told me to not let my talents go to waste like he did. Those words really made me think about what I wanted to do with my life and I decided that something that I love doing such as writing and talking about whatever it may be in nerd culture be it videogames, comics, anime, movies, or wrestling along with the occasional book discussion thrown in there then I owe it myself to give a serious shot.

Now I'll be the first one to admit that my last blog was a very half-baked attempt at this. Part of this was because I was doubting if I could even do it and another part was me just not wanting to put the work into it and being lazy. So for my new years resolution was to stop doubting myself so much and to not be so uncertain on things. If I want to do something then I'm going to do it and do it right. If I want a job as a videogame journalist I have to give it 200% hell more than that because I know there are thousands of people that are willing to go above and beyond for the same job. I came to terms that I will have no free time whatsoever and that I have to learn how to use Photoshop, learn how to edit videos, and improve on my writing skills to make myself the most applicable man for the job. There is even the fact that with all the work I'm willing to put in that I could still never make it. I've come to terms with all that and still more than willing to do this, but saying and doing are two separate things I have to prove not only to myself, but to everybody else I have the chops for this.

This blog is just the beginning step on my very long road to my dream job and there will be more to come this coming year like a youtube channel with videogame reviews and possibly lets plays to improve my presence on camera, but that all comes when I get a better computer since my laptop is currently not powerful enough to do these things optimally. I will be doing a blog every single day no matter what happens and I promise that I will be better and planing things so I can do this every day. So please leave any constructive criticism because it's all welcome and come back tomorrow for my official first post of my new blog.

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