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The Terrible, No Good Graffiti Of The Division 2

I'm finally free from my Division 2 hole, after over a week of going to a node on a map, instantly dying to a hidden monster closet, retracing my steps for five minutes, dying to my skills going on cooldown, backtracking for five minutes again, dying to an elite instantly running up on me and, well, you get the gist. People on the Giant Bomb Discord are weirdly infatuated with the game, still, so if you're looking to chow down on chest high walls and lost progress, then there's one happy family waiting for you there. Glory and gear score going up awaits.

This bit isn't about the measure of quality of Tom Clancy's The Division 2, however, which may or may not significantly improve if you clench those teeth for about thirty hours. Rather, I've been spending my time in Washington cataloging the objectively terrible graffiti that drenches the walls of the shoot-y apocalypse. Like an archaeologist specialized in bad taste, I went around cringing and subsequently photographing that event for every bit of first-draft-text I encountered during my time. Believe me, that's a lot of times. Thanks to the magic of the internet, I'm now passing on this knowledge in awful writing to you, the fine Giant Bomb connoisseur. Let's get dug in, soldier! Semper fucked!

Nothing spells immediacy quite like just spelling out
Nothing spells immediacy quite like just spelling out "Killing Time." Why, yes, it is!
It's great that someone spent the time to write that the world is broke. How else would I have noticed?
It's great that someone spent the time to write that the world is broke. How else would I have noticed?
Again, good thing you pointed that out or I couldn't have known that this area is somehow hostile. When do you shoot? Oh, immediately? Ok!
Again, good thing you pointed that out or I couldn't have known that this area is somehow hostile. When do you shoot? Oh, immediately? Ok!
The system has died, man. We should point that out somehow, man! I know, man!
The system has died, man. We should point that out somehow, man! I know, man!
This might be my absolute favorite. It's so simple yet true. It turns out that this virus is indeed a punishment! Unlike other viruses. Bonus GRENADE!
This might be my absolute favorite. It's so simple yet true. It turns out that this virus is indeed a punishment! Unlike other viruses. Bonus GRENADE!
We should tell them about our guns and our abundance of it. Also, we should tell them that they're not welcome here. But change the color. We're going for aesthetics here.
We should tell them about our guns and our abundance of it. Also, we should tell them that they're not welcome here. But change the color. We're going for aesthetics here.
If you can read this you are d....OH SHIT! OH NO! I READ IT!
If you can read this you are d....OH SHIT! OH NO! I READ IT!
This one genuinely got a laugh out of me. Like all of these, I love thinking someone put the effort to write
This one genuinely got a laugh out of me. Like all of these, I love thinking someone put the effort to write "fuck you" on a surface to send a message.
The writer for
The writer for "killing time" and "we shoot on sight" found a better, more concise way to message things. Iterative design!
Another genuine chuckle moment. Every single one of these is a winner.
Another genuine chuckle moment. Every single one of these is a winner.
At least they stylized this one. Also, Wasted State is my new punk band name. It probably already exists, doesn't it?
At least they stylized this one. Also, Wasted State is my new punk band name. It probably already exists, doesn't it?
When all else fails...crotch chop
When all else fails...crotch chop
Last genuine laughter moment. The inspiration of first draft lines ran dry, so we're just going to write
Last genuine laughter moment. The inspiration of first draft lines ran dry, so we're just going to write "SUCKS" in all caps. Done!
Bonus: This isn't graffiti, but someone took the time to program this during the apocalypse and their work can not go unnoticed.
Bonus: This isn't graffiti, but someone took the time to program this during the apocalypse and their work can not go unnoticed.

The most brilliant minds once lived in Washington. Apparently, once the apocalypse came around, they were also the first to go and the only ones who were left with spray paint, were the people who were huffing it. At least, that's what it feels like, canonically, as there are still tons of people huffing fumes, but very little suits, except for the president. This is their world now, until you get your gun and shoot the world better, with bullets!

Lincoln Force never dies!



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I can't believe there's one that just says "sucks" lol

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To add to the fun, I found out where Twisted Sister is holed up the other night.

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Yesss, omg that one is so good :')

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I keep hoping I'll find one that says "Police State".

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Honestly, this seems like the kind of thing someone like Tom Clancy would think graffiti is. Maybe the artists and devs are just honoring his memory...

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graffiti looks accurate to Ohio