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My Top 5 Games of the generation

This gen has been a long one and has finally come to an end with the Xbox One and Playstation 4 being released. These are my favorites from the previous generation, in random order.

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  • From what I understand, this game got a pretty mixed opinion from other gamers. Some complained over controls, story etc. But in my opinion, this is one of the best games Naughty Dog has ever released. Can't wait for the singleplayer DLC!

  • My favorite game on the 360 without a doubt. If there's one game that will make me buy an Xbox One, it's Alan Wake 2.

  • when it was first announced, I thought the whole thing was weird. A Bioshock game set in the sky? That's crazy! I'd say it came out great. Booker and Elisabeth are very good characters and I was caring about them both through the whole story. Many were confused over the ending though. Including me.

  • VC was one of the first games I bought for my PS3. I really enjoy the battlesystem they developed for this, BLiTZ as it's called if I remember it right, put a twist on how I was used to play Tactical RPGs. Seeing the "Mission complete" banner after an hour long battle was very satisfying. Great set of characters and the music was incredible.

  • Bayonetta kills stuff with her freakin' hair! HER HAIR!