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#1  Edited By damedude

Nude_Dude said:

"damedude said:
"my friend killed himself when we were 14, his mother had died and we were in the middle of our exams, so he couldnt cope with the pressure of life anymore.
after a week or so, i felt like doing the same, as i felt like total s**t.
but i managed to get through it, i now use that experience to get me through tougher times in my life."

Woah, he killed himself because his mother died? That would just be too dumb, it's far worse for a parent to lose his or her child than for a child to lose his mother or father. He should have stood up to his feet and learn something from this, rather than suiciding.

Only if this was the reason."

actually, there was another reason relating to his mothers death, but i wont go into details on it.

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#2  Edited By damedude
Warfare said:
"I encourage it we need to thin out the herd."

thats such an immature thing to say!
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#3  Edited By damedude

BiggerBomb said:

"damedude said:
"BiggerBomb said:
"damedude said:
"my mate killed himself when we were 14, his mother had died and we were in the middle of our exams, so he couldnt cope with the pressure of life anymore.
after a week or so, i felt like doing the same, as i felt like total s**t.
but i managed to get through it, i now use that experience to get me through tougher times in my life."

That's terrible, but the whole"mate" term is something I don't understand. Was he your boyfriend or just a friend? In the US mate either means someone's gay partner or just a boyfriend/girlfriend in general. But I know that it's also used as a term for friend in the UK and AU."
oh no im from uk so i mean friend, im straight."

Aight, thanks for the clarification.

That is really terrible, hopefully that isn't something that would screw your life up (not to make this about you.) A girl in my brother's grade when he was in highschool had a best friend that killed herself and the girl turned to drugs and has been a wreck ever since.

You can't let drag you down to the bottom of the barrel, so to speak."

its horrible to say, but the whole experience has helped in my life. a year after it,  i hated to think about it. but now, 3 years later, i use the memories to help through tougher times. but i hate it when exams began as it reminds me too much of that time. my life is now alot better than a couple of years ago, im going to college studying media and scriptwriting, while 2 years ago i wouldn't even leave my room.

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#4  Edited By damedude
BiggerBomb said:
"damedude said:
"my mate killed himself when we were 14, his mother had died and we were in the middle of our exams, so he couldnt cope with the pressure of life anymore.
after a week or so, i felt like doing the same, as i felt like total s**t.
but i managed to get through it, i now use that experience to get me through tougher times in my life."

That's terrible, but the whole"mate" term is something I don't understand. Was he your boyfriend or just a friend? In the US mate either means someone's gay partner or just a boyfriend/girlfriend in general. But I know that it's also used as a term for friend in the UK and AU."
oh no im from uk so i mean friend, im straight.
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#6  Edited By damedude

my friend killed himself when we were 14, his mother had died and we were in the middle of our exams, so he couldnt cope with the pressure of life anymore.
after a week or so, i felt like doing the same, as i felt like total s**t.
but i managed to get through it, i now use that experience to get me through tougher times in my life.