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There's heroes and villians. Oh crap, there's Hancock!

So from the sounds of it, you'll guess I saw Hancock recently. Well guess what? I did. Pretty freakin' sweet. I don't want to go into spoilers, but it's tough not to. I'm not going to say Hancock deserved as much fame and glory as The Dark Knight, but I will say if you were to watch only two movies for the remainder of the summer, Hancock would be the second one. If you've seen the commercials, you'll know he's trying to be a superhero, but he's doing a pretty poor job. Everyone, including Nancy Grace, hates Hancock. So what is he to do when this happens? Well, he doesn't let little people get in the way of him. If anybody calls him an asshole, he will hurt them. And he ain't soft in jail either.

Ok, I'm already trying to give spoilers, but I won't! See it yourself, it's awesome.