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#1  Edited By Danji

Personally I don't loathe COD as much as I do the Treyarch cash-ins. I've disliked every Treyarch COD as they all feature way too many vehicle segments, no sense of style and minute upgrades (if there are any) from past games. 
That's just how I feel about the whole situation. i still think COD is/was a good franchise and don't think less of people playing it. It would be nice however if they could play something else every once in a blue moon. I mean...damn. I know exactly what the RiotBananas is talking about with the constant Facebook updates....

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#2  Edited By Danji
@JerichoBlyth said:
"Fist of the North Star is a crap game. Everyone knows it...however - if you have played the demo, it offers an alternative kind of entertainment, which can only be appreciated from the perspective of someone who goes into the game, knowing too well it's going to be bad but that it has certain elements which are so awful, they're funny......kinda like a budget, interactive comedy."
We were playing it up until COD came out and the game is boring as heck by the end of the first campaign mode. It's like they made a budget brawler with what assets they had left over from DW games. I love DW and Sengoku Basara so I'm all for cheesy budget goodness but this game is just lazy. The only thing entertaining is the "musou" attacks which are still hilarious even at the end. 
@JerichoBlyth said:
"  For the record, I found Castlevania to be quite boring. Sure it was technically sound but that isn't what I look for in a videogame. I look for the entertainment factor. "
That's why I rated it so low. It holds it's plot to such an obnoxiously high importance when it's not well written. The gameplay mechanics don't innovate enough and aren't deep enough to entertain for 20 hours...I'm still pissed over the $60 I lost on that...
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#3  Edited By Danji
@Little_Socrates: I agree the tone is a little bi-polar at points. will consider fixing it. I completely agree on The Good the Bad and The Ugly. The only real reason I see for keeping it is another opportunity to make jokes. We'll consider taking it out.
 The jokes could be paced better...but not making any jokes would be suicide. Then anyone with a quicker delivery system and more eloquent speech/writing could come along and render me moot. 
And to the two guys who are saying this game is closer to max payne, the only thing they have in common (over GOW) is slo-mo. Controls, mechanics, style and everything else is much MUCH closer to GOW. Hell, the slo-mo is closer to Viewtiful Joe so I guess I should've said this game is like the Japanese take on Viewtiful Joe...? MP and Vanquish have less in common than GOW by a longshot. I'm not unfamiliar with the genre or gaming (derp) but when talking to a large audience you reference the best/most popular game in the genre that is the most similar. Thusly GOW. In any case...I'm just gonna drop it because I think you guys are going to keep saying MP is why don't you make a venn-diagram or chart or something of similarities. It'd be amusing.
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#4  Edited By Danji

Well, he's my deal. I don't understand why he'd give it an 8.5. My cofounder and I are huge Dynasty Warriors fans and I think we're giving it a...7ish? It's slipshod in a great deal of ways. 
Conversely (though) I gave CV:LOS a 4.9 so...yea, I agree with him there!

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#6  Edited By Danji

It's the third-person shooter that popularized the genre and the tropes therein so of course it's a good analogy. You two say it's nothing like that but what TPS would you compare it to? Keep in mind, I'm not just speaking to the most specifically hardcore gamer so not every game will come across. 
edit: Is it Kill.switch? I'm not entirely sure anyone remembers that game...

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#7  Edited By Danji
@Dogma: $2 says you hate me after watching it! XD Really though, that review isn't funny enough to carry it, my voice work is terrible and...well, the whole process was unpleasant! That's why I posted DR2 and not CV. I'm still told by some that the CV review is good but I personally dislike it.
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#8  Edited By Danji

*laughs* Yea, I never really needed an account here. I wanted to sign up for HD when they first started offering it but I have no money after the $2000+ we spent on all of this equipment. We also pay monthly for the privilege of playing back videos in HD (i'm so anal about that I'd rather lose more money than let our lossless rig go to waste.) I stopped going to Gamespot the day Jeff left. I loved his personality and without him the site seemed really..empty to me. Also i couldn't trust anything going on there anymore so fact, that was kind of the catalyst for me not trusting reviewers... 
I didn't know having an account here it would post acheivements...I presume it does the same for Trophies? Maybe? That's really appealing if it does and may get me back into my trophy addiction. 
Edit: Our other reviews didn't use the categorical transitions but we thought it would make it easier for the viewer to follow along. Also, the guy we got to do the voice clip sounds humorous to me but IDK, that's me. 
Here's our Dead Rising 2 review if anyone's interested. Keep in mind that I know there are a slew of issues with this that I feel we fixed in the newer reviews.


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#9  Edited By Danji

Thanks for the edited repost Icadae. It made a lot more sense this time around. Also I understand the cutting away from the game on-screen is jarring as it's unconventional for modern-day reviewers but I feel as long as it's relevant to the discussion at hand that it's acceptable. The thing at the end was really something I was going to make anyways and we had credits to roll so...why not? It's not something we're going to do every review. Just that part alone took about 6 or so hours (and for some reason has visual glitches in 29.97FPS renders...) 
I agree that being concise is important but I also feel most video reviews aren't very in-depth. It's definitely true that compressing what I'm saying would speed things up nicely though...also there are some elements that are leftovers from jokes we cut by the end so they were superfluous video clps and that's an area that could be shorter in the future. 
Wish I was playing Minecraft...I haven't had the chance to try it out yet with all of this GigaBoots video editing stuff going on. Perhaps I'll get to try it in December when the supply of games starts to dry up..

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#10  Edited By Danji

Agreed on the story segment and speeding up the description of gameplay. We didn't realize how long the story segment was until you 2 brought it up so thanks, we'll keep on eye on that in the future. 
To be honest this is our..4th try. The other reviews all had other technical problems (involving the HD Cap Card and some basic (oh f***..we forgot *insert crucial element here*)) so this is what I view as our first legitimate try. I really appreciate being likened to GT narrator as that guy's voice is amazing. With better audio balancing it'll come out better next review (yet another last minute "oh, this is f***ed" problem.) Oh and Immunity, I'm the same way. Being overly critical of mainstream and indie reviews is what got me started on this. There's always some major flaw whether it's video quality, distended jokes or lack of critical nature. We'll definitely try to work harder to condense some of the long winded descriptions of gameplay and story in the future. 
Icadae, I not only disagree with all of your criticisms but your post is also very confusing. We never act like it's a strategy guide we just describe the leveling up system for guns. GigaBoots is a parody of the word Gigabytes of which there are 25-50 on a Blu-Ray and 7-9 on a DVD: the formats that most modern video games come on. It's a joke on the technical details of games and very memorable from what people are telling me. I'm not quite sure what the foreign comment is about either. Your post is befuddling. Not trying to insult just..didn't want to ignore you and reply to other two as I'd see that as neglectfully rude. 
But thanks for checking it out! :D

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