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The explosive success of Bowsette

Nintendo celebrated their 139th birthday over the weekend as Japanese Twitter passed the 1 millionth tweet about クッパ姫 aka. Koopa-Hime aka. Bowsette.

It all began on September 19th with this Tweet

Referencing the new Super Crown item in New Super Mario Bros Deluxe, which turns Toadette into Peachette, this new take on the lovable villain Bowser took the internet by storm as artists around the world started pumping out their own fan art. It's no surprise that fan art happens, but it's the pace as which this has happened over the past 5 days that is surprising. Further more, several big-name artists have joined in on the trend as well

While "Trending on Twitter" is not much of a metric to go by, as a large percents of tweets at any given time will be from people asking what is trending and why it's trending, the numbers cannot be ignored.

No Caption Provided

With such an outpouring from fans, will this force Nintendo's hand to make her Bowsette official? Is anything that grows so massively in popularity in such a short time destined to crash and burn like Kid Icarus flying too close to the sun? Right now there is a sense of unity of peace as artists from all over the world join forces to create all this art that nobody seems to have any real big complaints about. Check out some more fanart below or check out the hashtag on Twitter (on your own risk as some of it is very NSFW)

Who's next?
Who's next?

*EDIT* I forgot to point out that the trending tweet right above クッパ姫 is キングテレサ which means "King Teresa", Teresa being the Japanese name for Boo.

Luigi's Mansion 3 is gonna be lit, is all I'm sayin'.


Nintendo's stock went up