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Gaming Playlist - February 2012

I had a lot of fun playing games this month, each of my Featured games below are quality gaming experiences that I'm glad I spent time having. Top news is of course the PS Vita, my story being slightly unorthodox - I bought the Wi-Fi version, freaked out a little over the OLED black screen issue and decided to go for a 3G version and sell the first console. Turns out that OLED issue is widespread and my second console actually suffers slightly more from it! However, after several days more playing with it, it really isn't anything to worry about and I'm just so happy with the console so far.


Iron Brigade

I finally decided to dive into Iron Brigade and have so far only played on my own. I had purchased the Martian Bear DLC and was ready to join in on the TNT but never got my invite. Not yet completed the game as the Volcano level gave me trouble so I may have to team up with someone to get that done, or replay previous missions to level up my equipment.

Metal Gear Solid 2

The HD Collection hit Europe this month and I played through MGS2 in a couple of days. Still love it and this time was much better at maintaining my incognito status and only raised an alert phase a couple of times. Well worth that nostalgic playthrough.

Rayman Origins

Another few sessions and we reached the end of the 'story'. Looking forward to getting more done, and also thinking about getting it on Vita when the price is right. We had some trouble on the final level which was reaching Super Meat Boy levels of difficulty with the precision and timing required to succeed.


Had this gem sitting in my collection for ages, so happy I got around to playing through it properly. I can forgive how much it takes from other games because the way it is put together is masterful. Despite suffering some technical issues I enjoyed every time I played it and will be jumping onto the sequel on day one.

Deus Ex HR: The Missing Link

This went on sale a few weeks back for half price so I got it and sat on it for a while. One of its Achievements was to finish it without using any weapons, explosives or upgrade points and due to the enclosed, seperate experience it was offering (ala Minerva's Den) I thought I'd give it a go and had great fun doing it. I recommend this DLC for anyone who wants more of Deus Ex.

Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas in Space

Better than the first DLC but actually shorter in length. It was certainly funnier but I was definitely hoping for more than 3 missions, regardless of how long they actually were. For Saints Row nuts only, which I certainly am having re-obtained my S-Rank for it (1200/1200!)

Super Mario 3D Land

Finished the game 'for the first time' which opened up a whole 'nother game in the Special World, picked up some minor tourettes syndrome trying to get through some of those levels and I anticipate a rough road ahead.

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

I loved playing American Nightmare, and I plan to play through all of Arcade Mode. The combat is satisfying and unique, and I thought the premise of this game was very cool. Also, Poets of the Fall.


Poured a bit more money into the Skylanders bucket this month and picked up Empire of Ice. Then proceeded later on to re-attempt the final level and had a much better time, eventually finishing the game.

Motorstorm RC

This one reveals the addictive potential of friends leaderboards that the Vita would do well to push for all its games. For the low price tag you get the PS3 and Vita versions and its a tight little experience.


Assassin's Creed: Revelations, World of Goo, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Metal Gear Solid 3, Zelda: Four Swords, Mario Kart 7, EDGE, Sonic Generations, Space Marine, Beat Sneak Bandit, Alpha Protocol, WWE All Stars, Mutant Blobs Attack!, Persona, GTA Chinatown Wars, Skylanders 3DS, MGS Peace Walker, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Wipeout 2048, Syndicate

Favourite Moments of the Month:

- Using the Vita for the first time.

- Playing American Nightmare.

- Getting my sneak on in The Missing Link.

- Running around the environment with Stu to defeat the final armoured enemy in a Syndicate co-op game.


Metal Gear Solid 2 HD [2012] (5)

Rayman Origins [2011] (5)

Darksiders [2010] (5)

The Missing Link [DLC] (5)

Gangstas in Space [DLC] (4)

Super Mario 3D Land [2011] (4)

Alan Wake's American Nightmare [2012] (5)

Skylanders [2011] (4)




Alan Wake's American Nightmare