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Massively in Shock

Hello dear readers, and welcome once again to another chapter in the thrilling life of yours truly. 

Not so long ago, I finished my 3rd game for 2010, after 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand and Borderlands. Mass Effect 2 is the culprit this time around. I clocked in over 40 hours on this baby and let me tell you, it was well worth it. However, my experience started off a bit badly, since I couldn't import my character from the first game. Reason for this, it seems, is that my copy was in French. Nonetheless, I really dug my experience with a newly designed Denis Shepard (which actually looked like Alex Navarro for no reason). The story is epic, the characters are unforgettable, the graphics are sharp and oftentimes gorgeous, and the shooting mechanics are spot on. No game is perfect however, and Mass Effect 2 is a good example of that. The squad AI is still jerky, as they often got in the way and didn't take cover while under heavy gunfire. They are much better than in the first game however. The whole scanning planets for minerals thing gets very annoying and atrociously boring after a while too. Nonetheless, Mass Effect 2 is an amazing game which left a long-lasting impression on me. If you like a good story and unforgettable characters, definitely check it out. 

Another game I've been playing lately is BioShock 2. I'm nearing the end on this one and. I know this has been said ad nauseam everywhere, but I didn't get the same mixed feelings of excitement and dread upon re-entering Rapture as I did upon my first visit to Andrew Ryan's underwater utopia. Playing as a prototype Big Daddy, codenamed Delta, is alright for the most part, as you go around beating up Splicers and chasing down Little Sisters to adopt (or harvest) for Adam. Protecting the Little Sister as she gathers the Adam is fun at the start, but gets old really quickly. Fighting the Big Sisters is fun and quite difficult as you progress through the game, as strategy becomes a prerequisite to taking them down in later levels. While the first part of the game is somewhat monotonous, the latter part of it is quite enjoyable and full of nifty surprises. In fact, I felt as if I were playing two totally different games from the BioShock universe rather than the same one. I wasn't impressed and quite bored with BioShock 2 before the second part rolled around, and now, I can't get enough of it and would want it to continue! 

The upcoming weeks will see my PlayStation 3 getting some love, as Heavy Rain comes out on the 23rd of February and MLB 10: The Show on the 2nd of March. Heavy Rain looks absolutely fantastic with its cinematic gameplay. I really need to play the demo for that one as soon as I'm done with BioShock 2. As for MLB 10, I really enjoyed MLB 09 and this one looks to be even better. There's also Final Fantasy XIII, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Metro 2033 on the horizon. I have a feeling this is going to be another fantastic year for games. 

That's all for now. Thank you for reading and see you guys soon.