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Here we go! Starting off


This is going to be my first EVER attempt at a blog. I'm gonna keep it very simple for now because I'm not so vain that I enjoy prattling at myself for hours on end. I'm guessing that I'm going to give this a while at first, try and meet some other users and then get this thing up on it's legs properly even if it means having an audience of just one other human being.

So at the moment I'm playing Bayonetta, which is so bat shit crazy it's a nice bar to measure Charlie Sheen against at this stage and sadly enough he's losing out pretty bad at the moment to the 10 foot tall Amazonian dominatrix. Try harder Charlie goddamnit!

It's nice and sunny outside right now but I can't see a whole lot other than a group of tracksuit donned students vacuuming their car. I thought they'd have better stuff to do than vacuum at 4 o clock on a Tuesday afternoon. Put down the hoover and study godamnit, you might be performing surgery on me someday or selling me my house. you get the idea but I hardly believe that will happen because this one guy in particular looks like he couldnt spell vacuum. A bit harsh but fuck it, lets get this thing up.
