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Best of 2010

Murtaug: Best of 2010

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  • I feel there is nothing that has to be said about this game. Perfection is hard to achieve, maybe impossible, but this comes about as close as anything ever has. Mass Effect 2 a game that I can play over and over and always feel like I got something new out of it. The characters are so well fleshed out and interesting that I enjoy spending time engaging in conversations with them. I enjoy exploring this universe more than any that has come before it.

  • Possibly the game I have spent the most time with this year. I not only bought this game on once, but four times. Bad Company 2 is a game that stands out not just as a great multi player experience but as a single player game too. The characters are some of the best in the genre and I can not wait to see what hijinks they get themselves into next.

  • Spooky, well made, beautiful lighting. What can I say that is bad about this game? I was fully engrossed in the story from beginning to end. The characters had life and I wanted to find out what was going to happen to them next. Breaking the game up into episodes felt like a really great way to move the story of this game from area to area without giving in to the usual gaming tropes. Throw in a wonderful sound track and you have a game that will stand up for a long time to come.

  • Having played the UFC titles I found EA MMA a very welcome change. Fights feel much more fluid and made me feel like I was watching an actual fight taking place.

  • Medal of Honor had a lot to take on. Not only was the game instantly being compared to the juggernaut that is Call of Duty, it was trying to reboot a franchise that had been struggling over the past few years. I will make no bones that the single player was far to short, and had very weird issues with scripting; the heart of the game was there. I felt the story was well done, and there was always something big and new around the bend. Multiplayer did not hit with me right away, and suffered in my opinion due to lack of polish. It felt like Dice was given six months to throw something together. If there is to be a Medal of Honor 2, and I hope there is, it would be nice to see these things rectified.

  • Mafia II may not have been a critical hit, and it suffered from some issues that kept it from being higher on my list. Neither of those things take away from the excellently crafted if heavily Hollywood influenced story. This game kept me playing from start to finish.