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deactivated-611d8183a00c9's forum posts

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@liquiddragon: Do tell how me how even an original Xbox one is somehow limited in 2021, yet alone a newer console. In the PC elite world that tech is what a high end 2009 PC? Is there a Crysis or is it the Sims 4 that only runs on these exotic PCs I’ve heard about. What’s the benchmark these days for PC gaming? Control? With reflective urinal screens or something? Nobody doing exclusive console gaming is missing out on anything. This is the site for nuanced gaming takes and we’re raving about Tony Hawk 1 and 2 over the past week. A game that came out ages ago. Such innovation there surely there’s something that draws from the last 3 decades that is making THPS 1+2 the talk of the town. Nope. Nothining in that gameplay has changed in the 1052 weeks (one thousand fifty weeks) since that game originally came out. I’m just over here in that swing meme waiting for games to innovate.

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@navster15: If Microsoft doesn't go free for at least the free-to-play games like Apex, Fortnite, Warzone or whatever is next they risk alienating current PS4 owners that are not going to be down with paying Valet parking for a feature that they may have never paid for on PS4. I justified the cost of buying a PS4Pro and Last of Us 2 and trading all that in for about $150 loss because I knew I wasn't ever going to get PSPlus and if someone wanted to play Warzone I wouldn't have to put in a credit card. The subscription model tricks you into finding value in something or feeling obligated to get your money's worth. I beat Last of Us 2 got baby's first 4K tv and moved on with life. If i had a psplus subscription I would have held onto a system longer than what i truly value it for.

The price of admission for xbox gold stings alot worse because of the free forever 360 games that come with. Now 100+ free 360 games later that feature has already scraped the bottom of the barrel. Unless xbox live gold comes with free pandora, youtube red, hulu, or some other paid for service then xbox gold can kick rocks... after my year is up.

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@jaycrockett: So i'm wondering if you're going to ditch your xbox one-whatever to get the series S or X? If you plan on playing backwards compatible games it seems like even the stock 2013 xbox one can continue to handle your backwards compatibility needs. I'm keeping my One-S primarily for clearing out my disc based xbox backwards compatibility backlog. I'm thinking Microsoft is going to announce a slew of backwards compatibility titles which will live on gamepass or on some discs i already own.

The Series-S will be for the 5 or 6 next gen games that will matter to me in the first year or so. So that will be Call of Duty Cold War at launch only because it's a regret free purchase. Sure i regret buying every Call of Duty known to man but it's a solid game and I think i'll regret getting The Medium or anything like that more.

I'll will be playing games on my Series-S because outside of PUBG i really haven't experienced the suffering of drop frames or anything in the single player games I play. The solid state drive did wonders for PUBG and i just got tired of having adapters and dongles attached to my Xbox so i lived without the performance boost and extra harddrive space because I'm not a PC gamer I just want a box, hdmi cable, and power cable.

The Series-S has talked me out of a Series-X because I was prepared to spend $500 on a series-X and trade in my old system. Now I don't feel compelled to trade in anything. 4K has not amazed me in the slightest and with backwards compatibility I'm looking forward to playing older games that I missed to understand the history of games more so than i am interested in the MTX laden, game by committee (or even worse Autership of Kojima weird for weirds sake) , and free-to-play nonsense that is modern gaming. I won't be missing out if I never play a game post-2020. There's way too much that I've already missed.

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I'm not sure what all the concern about 1080p is all about. If i recall Doom 64 could do the impossible and push 4K on a Xbox One-S. I wish the PC evangelist would just skip console threads. I've never set foot in a PC gaming thread EVER. Limitations and constraints are what let's Nintendo do it's thing and it's the reason late generation games like Control and Cyberpunk and some game not on anybody's radar right now will be in contention for 2021's game of the year and it's a PS4 or Xbox One title.

I'm jumping into next generation for what an SSD can do for games and unlike Ray Tracing (and my far fetched idea about someone spoofing in ray tracing is coming true with Crisis remastered.. not Ms. Pacman) I have seen it work for PUBG and that's reason enough for me to upgrade.

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@onemanarmyy: it’s fair and quite obvious to say that anybody that had issues with storage for consoles since 2013 either found a solution in the form of a supplementary harddrive (that still works and will be plug and play with Xbox at least) or they got over the fact and budgeted their harddrive space. I don’t think we saw the back of the series-S so who knows if they have the proprietary drive slot back there but I will take harddrive management and a lower barrier to entry price over excess harddrive space. Who honestly plays more than 4 or 5 games at a time? Besides that with backwards compatibility I’m as likely to be playing something from original Xbox, 360, or Xbox one as I am a series-S generation game (with 15 and 20GB on the high average size max for older titles.. nothing on original xbox or 360 clocks in that high). Quit using COD,GTAV and Destiny edge cases to justify a point. People that play those games only play 1 game anyway. Even more moot of a point.

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@toughshed:Too true on the 3rd person action game. The thing that they capitalized on most this generation was not charging people to play Fortnite, Apex, and Warzone. Any savy tween could convince their parent to get them a playstation 4 since 2017 has not needed PSPlus. Xbox requires gold. Sure some kids are going to (the argument people will make in this thread regarding deals online) know that they can buy a year for cheaper than the monthly going rate. Sure a year is cheaper but buying a couple of months at a time gives you leverage on your kid's homework and doing dishes and allows you to check in on whether or not you're ruining your kids future by being cool. On PS4 once your kid get's over the hump of wanting to look cool and instead focuses on gitgudding then your checkbook is free from the all out assault that is subscription services.

I am hoping that Xbox ditches the gold requirement for multiplayer. I don't mind paying a monthly fee for gamepass and if they do keep gold i'd like more of an offering choice for the titles i pick up OR in some sort of pipe dream maybe pick 1 $9.99 or less title and 1 $14.99 or less title out of the gamepass lineup per month. That might make me a lifetime subscriber.

The most important thing for me is free online gameplay. Wondering or not if people have gold or psPlus is a problem that i am tired of wondering about. Free games have made the proposition of paying money somewhat tolerable. Gamepass has made paying seem like there better be a fair trade in that transaction. People used to pay for AOL for the email address. We have crossed the same threshold and i wont be paying ever again once my year is up.

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Series-S 512GB is enough for me to have PUBG and some backwards compatible titles I’m playing through. Now if they announce a wide swath of new backwards compatible titles. Like deep from the well since I imagine the pandemic has gotten some people to rethink their finances those titles we though we’d never see because of licensing deals might be getting cut. I’m not asking for Madden but whoever owns Buffy The Vampire Slayer of BMX XXX probably doesn’t have that sound of a nest egg. So I’d prefer Series-S but Series-X is only enticing with some backwards compatibility news. I will ultimately upgrade to one well before I even touch a PS5.

For those of us that worked from home during quarantine we can testify to how much workflow and processes suffered. I can’t even imagine how much next generation games suffered. Hopefully Xbox made the pivot to getting me some achievements in Original Xbox games and working through more and more backwards compatibility titles. That seems like the perfect work from home proposition. “Get me Tony Hawk American Wasteland up and running by launch no matter the cost.”