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#1  Edited By Deadmeat
@cstrang said:
" I actually feel I get more out of my games due to the achievements system.  Without it, I would just beat the game then move on, but instead I go back and do more for achievements.  I get more for my money. "
See I feel that way for like only my very favorite games, maybe 2-3 games this generation so far. Everything else my OCD kicks in and I feel like I'm missing out and not getting my moneys worth. Then I go back, get some of them and realize they are terrible.
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#2  Edited By Deadmeat

Already dropped down sorry to say :( 

I always wanted to try hooking my PC up to my HDTV, I wonder how that would work... Would be the home theater experience with the perfection of PC gaming.

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#3  Edited By Deadmeat

I heard a rumor Bioware wanted to convert it, but I know that's prolly a pipe dream

I'd love to upgrade but I need a new power supply and case, so I'm looking at $500+, not something I have while finishing up my degree :(

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#4  Edited By Deadmeat

I liked them for being a way to kinda "keep a record of games I played" etc.

I almost thought of keeping a video game journal, I do one for my life... wouldn't be a stretch to keep track of the games I beat and some notable parts of them.

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#5  Edited By Deadmeat
@tdk08 said:
" I'm not saying go out and spend $1000 dollars on a new gaming PC, but that's exactly what I did to get out of that. (Though, I don't care about Steam achievements because there's no point value to them) Most PC games for some reason I'm happy to play just for the fun of the game itself. I get small doses now of the achievements I used to crave, such as StarCraft II and WoW, but I could care less now. Even when switching back to my 360 for the occasional exclusive such as Red Dead Redemption, I find myself completely blowing them off and just having fun. I think the reason for it was achievements were such an integral part of the 360 experience, so I felt like I had to get them, whereas on the PC they're few and far between. I too found myself wanting that proof of the time put into a game, but that's sort of become my Steam library and, to some extent, my lists here on Giant Bomb. I've come to like PC gaming in general a lot more than I ever did 360 gaming, so this achievement thing was essentially just a nice perk. "

Thats an interesting perspective actually... I liked some of the challenges in Starcraft 2 trying to beat them and show my friends. Then I started doing stuff like beating missions in a certain time or on brutal and was having ZERO fun! I'm like "WTF are you doing!" and shut it off... playing to chase a checkbox list isn't really gaming.

I'm a completionist in games which is why I think this bugs me so much... Maybe others feel the same.

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#6  Edited By Deadmeat
@abdo said:
" @Deadmeat said:

 90% of the stuff "I went back and did" I would have never done because it was a freaking pain in the ass or boring, anyone else realize this?

Indeed. Instead of spending more time on a game because you like it, you spend more time on it just to fulfil some meaningless task that's usually stupid or unnecessary. "

I think having a reward system in game is great, but give me an in game reward not a meta abstract number that is meaningless. Like maybe if finding all the intel items in modern warefare gave you a some crazy gun to use in singleplayer for fun, or beating mass effect on insane gave me like unlimited health next play through. Or at least follow some of the God of War games, that gave you extra features and such.

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#7  Edited By Deadmeat

First I don't have 100k points, only a modest 29,000. I never play bad games just for the points either, but still can't fight the urge that the constant reminder of getting an achievement is there. The problem is in games I enjoy I end up doing things I wouldn't normally enjoy in those games just to have it "more complete". Instead of just doing the sidequests in Mass Effect 2 I felt the need to do them, since it was like checking off some list that had to be done. I even started Dragon Age on PC, but feel like beating the game kinda loses its purpose since I don't have any way to prove I did it. I got my 360 first so when it comes down to it I always end up buying or playing a game on there because of that nagging urge for the achievements.  I started never looking at the list of achievements in a game now, they just pop up and I try to ignore them till I"m done the game. I'd say the ONLY achievements I like are for beating the game on a harder difficulty, but I much rather have an ingame reward for that action or even a gamerpic (Like mass effect 1). 

People say it makes them play a game longer or do things they normally wouldn't do, but looking back at the last few games I did most of the achievements in, 90% of the stuff "I went back and did" I would have never done because it was a freaking pain in the ass or boring, anyone else realize this?

Wondering if anyone else feels this way? It's not Sony/Valve/Microsoft's fault, but really can't shake that feeling. I kinda wish I could just delete them and set my 360 to "no achievement mode", then I wouldn't worry about it.

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#8  Edited By Deadmeat

Personally I'm about 15 hours into the game, really enjoy it but with DA:2 coming out next year I want the ability to import the game. With the changes they are making to console versions, and my pc being a bit underpowered for the Dragon Age 1 I'm planning on getting the 2nd on 360. I know PC elitists will laugh at the idea, but I can't afford an upgrade, and honestly I rather have slightly inferior controls but playing on my 65'' TV and home theater setup.

I don't really care about the interface, but concern was I heard there are less enemies in the console version and it's far easier? I'm playing the PC version on hard and like how tactical the combat is and how brutally difficult it can be.

Do you think they would ever find a way to convert my PC save to a 360 import... that would be a sweet option for DA:2

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#9  Edited By Deadmeat

The only IGN podcast I listen to still is Keepin it Reel, the most Bombcast like. What I mean is they are clearly nerdy in there subject field, but still funny without going to pure immature crap. Plus the guys at GB let the conversations actually develop, I guess the 2+ hour runtime does that to you. When GB shares personal stories they are always great and paint them as pretty much video game nerds (which I love!), the guys at IGN try and act like there cool or something. Look at the ages though Ryan and Jeff are in there mid 30's I think, while most of the IGN guys are under 30, it's like comparing a professional to some freshman in college really.

Plus IGN has the biggest douche in the biz aka a man named Hillary... yah listen to 10 minutes of him on a podcast, sorry but acting like your the shit and better than your coworkers and your opinion is the only one that matters is not funny. 

I discovered Bombcast last year and never turned back, it's amazing if you compare sites. Bombcast has everything you need, IGN posts about 100x the amount of articles and most of them are just pointless.

Why do people listen to so many gaming podcasts? I think 2+ hours of bombcast is just perfect, I only listen to 1 podcast per subject area really, people must have much longer drives than me!