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So, I've been playing Red Dead Redemption...

That game's pretty damn good eh? I mean sure I have spent like 40 hours picking flours and shooting birds but man is it fun I think it may pass ME2 in just addictiveness. Enough about my though I want to know what you guys think. Have you guys put in hours and hours in it doing pointless stuff or are you sticking to the story? 


Pre-Order Madness

So, this is going to be a short blog post, I just have to say something. I think I may have gone overboard with pre-orders. Within the period of 3 days I have pre-ordered Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (The Limited edition), Mass Effect 2, and Final Fantasy XIII all from Gamestop, maybe they are good at tempting me or maybe I'm just gullible for semi-good deals like I got the BC2 Limited edition for regular game price. So do think I may have pre-ordered too many things or its completely reasonabl? Also, have you guys also pre-ordered a lot of games at once?


Made a New Gamertag Today.

This isn't a very important but i felt like posting a blog. So, as we know the XBL update for all the new features was today and I was though "Cool I might try this out." so then I was looking for the Facebook add-on and couldn't find it. So, ever the curios i check the site for xbox and found out that my account has to be for adults and was though "This is the last straw." ever since i made my account I always was getting screwed over but the parental controls so I made a gold account. Yeah I lose my achievements, but that's a small price to pay. I think it is probably worth it because now i don't need any other accounts to get some special demo. Plus i think my new GT is pretty cool so, yeah. Also, the Gamertag is VarroGaius, I got it from some roman names i picked out of a book I'm reading that's all I needed to say.


Random Blog Post for Labor Day

So. It  is Labor Day and i had the day off so I'll write about what I did because I'm bored. First, I woke up at 10 and stayed in bed for 30 minutes. Then at around 1 I went to a theater and saw Transformers: RotF. Story was bad but its effects were definitely high budget. Then when i got home i got on my 360 and watched the first episode of Dexter using Netflix and that was good. Oh and I watched the endurance run for the day. That is basically all so far other than I'm currently listening to the Joystiq Podcast. So, that's all.


My Ps2 Broke...

Today is a very sad day for me. My PlayStation 2 died. This is saddening because there are still many games i still need to play on it and buying a new one will set me back 100 dollars. At least it will only set me back that much.