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Made a New Gamertag Today.

This isn't a very important but i felt like posting a blog. So, as we know the XBL update for all the new features was today and I was though "Cool I might try this out." so then I was looking for the Facebook add-on and couldn't find it. So, ever the curios i check the site for xbox and found out that my account has to be for adults and was though "This is the last straw." ever since i made my account I always was getting screwed over but the parental controls so I made a gold account. Yeah I lose my achievements, but that's a small price to pay. I think it is probably worth it because now i don't need any other accounts to get some special demo. Plus i think my new GT is pretty cool so, yeah. Also, the Gamertag is VarroGaius, I got it from some roman names i picked out of a book I'm reading that's all I needed to say.