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This thing started off as a strictly retro revival console. Tommy loved Intellivision, he bought the brand, and wanted to bring back those old games he loved. Nothing wrong with that other than the fact it was destined to only be a niche of a niche, and that wasn't good enough for Mr "I never lose", so he tried a half-assed pivot to a "family" focus.

He targeted Atari Age, the YouTubers he sought out were those into old systems, it was clear as day that this was supposed to be a retro themed console. Presumably, the amount of people who actually wanted that to be a thing ended up not being enough for Tommy, so he dreamt a bit bigger and started wishing to The Secret for things to work out and make it a "family" system. Signing up a couple of free flash kids-themed games is about as far as he went with it. The rest of his dumb commandments list was just telling the older guys what they wanted to hear in regards to no online patches, no DLC etc.

As time wore on, and he got increasingly desperate to sell himself as a big-boy CEO - and his company as bigger than it actually was - and just started promising the world to whoever would ask.

"Could *Insert popular retro IP here* appear on Amico Tommy?"

"Sure little buddy, we're actually already in discussions with Konami/Disney/Capcom etc".

Amico started as a retro revival and became a scam the second that Tommy decided to artificially inflate the thing into something he clearly didn't envision it to be. As we saw from the leaked exit plan that was circulated, they were looking to sell the whole kit and caboodle to a bigger company - the likes of Apple and Microsoft were listed as potential suitors - and he started trying to make themselves appear larger than they were by piling up debt in order to play CEO dress-up. Anyone pointing out the obvious issues were gone after and attacked, called haters, called "gaming racists", had a crew of his weirdo online sycophants go after them in attempts to dox them etc.

A book needs to be written about this mess because it's a heck of a story with one of the more absurd main characters to ever exist in reality or fiction.