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GTA Chinatown Wars (sucks?)

Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars

No, no it doesn't. What did I want GTA Chinatown Wars to be when I first heard about it back in July? In short, I wanted it to be some retro, stylized top-down goodness. So Nintendo Power recently released a little feature on the game, and little did I know that Rockstar was going to give me just that, M-rated and cell-shaded goodness. It was actually quite a bit better than I expected after reading people's impressions of the game, but I was quick to realize that they're all full of shit. After seeing a few of these shots, I really dig the artstyle. And if the controls work well, I can see this being a LOT of fun. 

Asians killing other Asians.
Asians killing other Asians.
Angry Asian.
Angry Asian.

Angry Asian w/ weapon.
Angry Asian w/ weapon.

Here is a quick run down on the features and impressions courtesy of Nintendo Power:

  • True GTA game - sandbox gameplay, open-world environment, gritty crime narrative.
  • Isometric camera angle.
  • Cel-shaded polygons w/ black borders, (which is a very cool look in my book).
  • Tasteful, well-implemented touch controls and mini-games.
  • UI based on a PDA - hub for email, contacts, map, music player, GPS, stat-tracking.
  • Stats uploaded to Rockstar Social Club website.
  • "Portable" arcade-style mission design for shorter periods.
    Asian grimacing while dead, dying, or unconscious.
    Asian grimacing while dead, dying, or unconscious.
  • Simple aim with the control pad, targetting with the R-button.
  • Subtle drive-assist.
  • Quickly jump back into the action if you fail a mission.
  • Flamethrower, chain-gun. 
  • Liberty City modeled well throughout the game.
  • Solid load times, frame rates, and draw distances.
  • Abundant pedestrians/cars on-screen.
  • Wanted system - objective is to disable police cars any way possible.
  • Real-time weather effects, 24-hour day/night cycle.
  • Tons of radio stations.

Asian chaos!
Asian chaos!

All the screenshots above were the first "batch" of scans from Nintendo Power. To me, that looks great, but when I say that, I'm imagining the game.. on a DS Lite screen.. in motion. So I was taken aback by how much negativity people were giving a game they hardly knew anything about. Here are a few (of many) comments left on the illustrious and always intelligent Gamespot forums:

"that looks awful"
"Looks pretty terrible. I'll stick with Liberty City Stories."
"I think I just threw up in my mouth a little..."
"As soon as I saw those images, immediately I was depressed..."
"Wow Rockstar, don't even bother."
"Ugh. This looks like trash."

And I could go on, but what's the point. Excuse my language for a bit here, but people are fucking dumb (imagine me saying that in a George Carlin voice). Not only is everyone completely overreacting to a couple of magazine scans, they are unable to see beyond the low quality shots and unusual aesthetic. It's almost like they've forgotten who's making the game.

Anyway, another batch of shots came in that confirmed my brilliant opinion. This game is going to look great in motion on the DS.

Night car chase, my favorite shot.
Night car chase, my favorite shot.

Asian female driver.
Asian female driver.

This shot looks really cool, and I don't know why.
This shot looks really cool, and I don't know why.

I can't wait to play this. Am I alone?

Wrath of the Lich King (Collector's Edition and Implications)

Wrath of the Lich King
Wrath of the Lich King
This is getting a tad ridiculous. Here we are, a couple months before the release of Wrath of the Lich King, and the collector's edition is already sold out. This is only surprising because the collector's edition for the Burning Crusade was relatively unpopular (sealed copies are going for retail or less a year and a half later). Sure, they were sold out for a few weeks before and after launch, but that's it. Does this mean World of Warcraft is becoming even more popular than it already is? Or is it that Northrend is just a better sell than Outland?

The death of Arthas (at least it is safe to assume he dies, even though it would be awesome if they surprised us with an ending that resulted in something other than the antagonist's death) represents the end of the Warcraft 3 story arc, which is pretty significant if you think about it. And now that Blizzard has offered a "casual" way to experience storied content, it is definately a buy for me and perhaps others who want to experience the end of an era as well. 

If Valve bought Google..

Pure profit. Google + Steam = awesome?

Valve isn't exactly the most.. punctual game developer, and they are probably best compared to Blizzard. If Blizzard can release a WoW expansion, a new Starcraft and a new Diablo all within a couple years of eachother, image if Valve had the financial backing of Google. Left 4 Dead, Counterstrike 2, Episode 3, Portal 2, and a new IP could be yours in the same amount of time.

Late to the Party

Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty 4
As you may or may not know, I'm all about budget gaming. I'm at a point where I rarely buy games at full price, unless of course it is a game I'm particularly interested in. The most recent examples of this practice are Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed. 


Reviews: Movie vs. Video Game, why the difference?

No, in fact I do not recommend this game even though it didn't really do anything wrong.
No, in fact I do not recommend this game even though it didn't really do anything wrong.
Why do we review movies and video games so differently?
The key to the difference is objectivity versus subjectivity. Perhaps it’s culture or tradition, but why aren’t we allowed to be bias when we review a video game, much like the justified bias present in most movie reviews? Why can’t we argue our heart instead of our mind? The problem with video game reviews is that the opinion often gets lost in the objectivity. I hate to pick on Crysis, but it is a pretty good example. I would not recommend anyone go out of their way to play this game/tech demo. Yes, it's a beautiful game and the gameplay is solid (both of which you can experience in the demo) but the story is very forgettable. Yet, it received solid recommendations from every single reviewer, and in retrospect, I wish there was a reviewer out there that stood up and told me to save my money. It’s really the fact that  movie reviews are rarely vague about the reviewers specific opinion; I always know where the critic stands.  
  • The movie review goes something like this: “I didn’t like what they did with a lot of things and I’m really not too interested in the style or genre, thumbs down.”
  • A video game review goes something like this: “Because there isn’t really anything technically wrong or broken and the fact that I could see this appealing to some people, thumbs up.”

We scorn a movie critic when he gives a thumbs-down to a movie like The Dark Knight (I don’t really know how anyone can sincerely recommend to not see that movie), but we also scorn a video game critic when he gives a favorable review to a video game like Twilight Princess. Does that make sense to you?

Silent Hunter III

Silent Hunter III
Silent Hunter III
In the spirit of good deals in PC gaming, Silent Hunter III is now $5 for a limited time on Steam. It's a WW2 submarine simulation game that got great reviews back in 2005, and I've never played it until now. From what I can tell so far, it's pretty intimidating. I think the sale ends July 31st, so if you're at all interested, you don't have much time left.

Universe at War

Universe at War
Universe at War
This game kind of came and went unnoticed in the '07 holiday season, buried beneath many better titles. But, it isn't a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. Anyway, I was shuffling through some stuff on and noticed the $9.69 price tag, further digging revealed a new copy for the game for $2.50 + shipping from Amazon Marketplace. So with $6 total paid, I bought a copy. Tell you what I think about it later.

The Xbox 360 version is still $45 though, and it's inferior. Go figure.

The deal:

My Dream

I had a nightmare last night. My life was a pending submission. Who knew what a deep metaphor that could be..

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