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The end leaves me with more questions than answers


I enjoyed Mass Effect 3. However, I am left wanting. The ending leaves me with so many questions rather than answers. I was expecting every story to come full circle like it does in the endings of the Fallout games, where it even tells the future of your companions. My concerns are these:

  • No matter what ending you choose the Mass Effect Relays end up destroyed. That makes me wonder about the future of the species in the systems. For example, do the species now know how to build Relays. Can they leave the systems? We have an multiracial armada in the Local Cluster and I'm pretty sure they want to just go home. The Krogan are probably itching to get back to Tuchanka and repopulate. The Quarians most likely want to settle Rannoch. As with the other species. But they can't get back to their systems now. They can't take FTL since they will run out of fuel or just die because of how long it will take to get to another system. I wasn't expecting the destruction of the "highway" system that allows inter-system travel. How do people get around now?
  • Why do the Reapers simply want to destroy life so that other lifeforms may prosper in the future? If they are machines why did someone build them just so that other species can have the universe to themselves? Who the hell would build a machine that would just turn around and destroy them because that is their programing? Or did the Reapers rebel against their creators and thought this was their only purpose left.
  • I choose the Synthesis (Green) ending how exactly does that work? I choose this because destruction would result in the destruction of all machines; Like the Geth, and I don't want that because they had semblance of organics, so I thought they deserved a chance to "live". Also, wouldn't EDI get destroyed too? I didn't see her walk out with Joker in the Destruction (Red) or Control (Blue) endings. So, I'm left with an explanation from a ghost boy that Synthesis will rewrite the DNA of all species and that it is the apex of evolution. How did the Reapers meld with us? The only thing I saw was that Joker had funky eyes and I pray that synthesis doesn't carry over the Reapers ability to indoctrinate.
  • My crew that was left on the Normandy crash lands on a lush world and...what? Do they establish a town? How do they survive? Can Tali eat what's on this planet, being that she can't eat what the non-dextroaminoacid (or what ever the Humans and Asari are) lifeforms eat. I'm left with a simply smile and wink from Joker but that doesn't answer my questions.

If someone knows that answers please enlighten me and then the ending won't be so incomprehensible to me.