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Cerberus Content Spree

I purchased the latest DLC for Mass Effect 2 yesterday. I played it through in about one sitting in about 45 minutes. I will admit that some of the reason behind buying it was for the S-Rank but the other reason I bought it was because I loved the original game so much. I played through the whole game in a few days. I haven't had so much fun playing a RPG in quite some time. The classic space opera story combined with the entertaining gun play made Mass Effect 2 one of my favorite games of all time. 
Even though the game itself is completely awesome, the DLC is another story. Yesterday I downloaded the new guns, armors, and vehicle expecting to get sucked into the wonderful game all over again. The weapons were pretty lackluster and the missions with the hammerhead was really shallow. My bout with disappointment continued with the Kasumi DLC as well. Kasumi is one the same level as Zaeed because of the fact that you can easily tell that there was not as much time spent polishing the back story of these two in comparison to the rest of the Normandy Crew. 
I still love ME2 but as of late, I've not been satisfied with the DLC offerings. I'm still waiting for the "far reaching content" that supposed to show up some time next year. I know its asking a lot but I want the Dragon Age treatment for Mass Effect. Expanding the character with more skills and diverse weaponry would go a great deal to enhance the game. Another addition to the already colorful cast is not necessary. I hope that one day I can play an expansion pack for Mass Effect 2.