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I have returned

Blog Title courtesy of the Protoss Dragoon. Long time since my last blog... Long, long time. Amazingly, not much has happened besides school eating my life. I recently acquired all of my friends Nintedo64 games: Wave Race, Starfox, Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, Bomberman 64 and Bomberman Hero, Castlevania, Chameleon Twists 1 and 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Dark Rift, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Duke Nukem 64, Extreme-G and Extreme-G XG2 (or maybe its just called Extreme-G 2), Glover, Jet Force Gemini, Rampage World Tour, and Vigilante 8. Needless to say, I was in awe when he dumped these on me (idiot). I did own a lot of these games at one point in my life, but I either lost them, they stopped working, or I gave them to my cousins or something. I've since started playing Banjo Kazooie and letting the nostalgia take over. I also got Crysis Warhead (which was pretty good), Spore (which I thought was fantastic), and I went old school and installed Marathon. The future for me looks grim in terms of finance. The only game I've been sure about and reserved so far is Gears 2. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting Dead Space, Fallout 3, and Far Cry 2 though. So, hooray for being broke? Hmm... Music... I was beginning to miss structured rhyme schemes so I started listening to some rap a la Immortal Technique (Amazing), Necro (Bury You With Satan has a sick beat but I'm pretty sure that his music isn't for everyone), and the such. I also got into Parkway Drive and Diecast thanks to Pandora Radio. All this along with All That Remains' new album: Overcome, which turned out pretty decent, kept me occupied for a pretty long time. One last thing! I saw Religulous recently and I thought it was a great movie. I wrote a short (around 350 word) review for my school newspaper:

                Religulous is a hilarious and equally offensive documentary conceived by the great comedian Bill Maher and the director of Borat, Larry Charles. The first thing that should be noted is that Religulous does not attempt to turn people away from their religions but it does try to get people to ask questions. That being said, even if you do not want to hear what Bill Maher has to say about your beliefs, you can still watch the film as a comedy. Although it seems like Maher is attacking religion, he stated that he doesn’t know what happens to us when we die and neither do any of the other religions, but he does believe that there may be something out there that we will never be able to comprehend.

Bill Maher pokes fun at a good many religions ranging from Catholicism to Islam, and even to some way-out-there religions like Cantheism (religion based around cannabis) and Scientology. Many of the targets that Maher chooses tend to walk themselves into corners without his help. One such scene occurs when Maher is speaking to the Senator of Arkansas (who believes in creationism) and states “It worries me that people are running my country who believe in a talking snake,” to which the Senator replies “You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate though.” In between discussions, footage of Maher reflecting on his encounter is shown to give a break from the documentary and hear what he has to say, not to mention most of them will have the whole theater laughing.

The end of the documentary leaves all of the humor behind as Maher finally gives his honest opinion about religion. The whole point of this documentary that Maher really wants to get across is focused on the 16% of people in the that he calls “rationalists” (we would know them as atheists. They number more than the African American, Jewish, and homosexual populations). He wants those rationalists to stand up and have their voices heard.

Rated R for language, brief nudity, and drug use.

So, it kind of sucks that my school limited me to 350 words but I tried to make it work... Short review even shorter: It really is a great movie and if it is still showing anywhere near you, you should go ahead and watch it.
I suppose that that's all I have to say for now. See you in another two months. /joke?