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New Years Eve Ball Drop At The Docks

The New Years Eve Ball Drop at the fishing docks with fireworks and several cheering spectators. I think the ball crane operator was either asleep or loaded at the time. It starts to drop at the 2 minute 18 second mark.


The distribution of power

The human animal is a rational being that exhibits an ego which in turn drives the action made from the decision inside said organism's mind. When an ego's property is the subject at hand, a system is often put in place by a grouping of individuals consisting of a substantial hierarchy of perceived objective mechanical purposes.

Coercion and force by way of one onto another individual ego limits productivity, subjugates free thought, buries those with a higher ability, and annihilates the equal measure of success between individuals to allow ascension to their maximum potential. The only two means to ensure self preservation are causality influential decisiveness, and probability based cooperation ensuring negotiative logic based heterarchy. The individual must always take precedence, as to avoid inconsistency and limits upon potential completion and ascension. The calculations must be planned and made readily provable by the self, as to avoid a lower probability of success.

The issue with said system is it's inherent contradiction present by way of the nature of mankind. Self preservation is the highest law, and to make a sacrifice towards only a potential long term goal that is based upon risk is unnecessary, only becoming a rational option for the self when the probabilities are at  an absolute minimum when calculation of decisive self-action is impossible.

One must calculate every option and repercussion, while simultaneously ensuring the success of the goal/ or goals in question.


I'm a free market guy, but....

I wish I had a couple of dollars for every person I’ve heard over the last few weeks who has said something along the lines of: “I’m a free-market guy, but we need the government to step up and do something.” I could buy some put options or more gold, and really profit from this un-principled wavering.

There are all kinds of variations of the phrase. One can substitute “conservative,” “small government,” “libertarian,” or “capitalist” for “free-market.” I’ve heard all of them. And the “government stepping up” part has taken a bunch of different forms, as panic induced philosophies tend to do. Nearly everyone has a brilliant scheme to defy gravity.

Often, a “but” in a sentence means you can disregard what came before it, and this is one of those instances. You’re not really a free-market conservative capitalist if you believe the government should bail-out businesses that failed. Call yourself what you want, but, at best, you’re a sunshine or fair weather free-marketer, and you resent how supply, demand, prices, and risk work. You think some person or committee should engineer a solution. There are words to describe that belief. They are “socialist,” “corporatist,” “central planner,” and even the out-dated but still very real “communist.”

Equally dispiriting are the folks who pretend to be deep, open-minded intellectuals, who ferret out ideology when they see it.

Many of these folks say ridiculous things like, “I’m a free-market guy, but this is no time for ideology. There’s a crisis and we must come together.” (Sometimes, political-speak can be pornographic.)

Others say, “Oh, you’re just being ideological,” and they mean that pejoratively.

It’s trendy to pick on those of us who have an ideology. It might even sound good, but far from demonstrating depth of character, it exposes a person without moorings. If your principles are only good in sunshine, than they’re not very good principles. Or worse, if you merely hold those principles when its convenient, you are not a trustworthy person (at least, on the issue at question).

Right is right, and principles are most needed when fear creeps in and tries to overtake rationality. It’s been said that, “Hard cases make bad law.” Crisis-thinking is rarely one’s best thinking. Principles may be refined in the fire, but they need the cooling off period that reflection provides. Principles prepare us to respond, not the other way around.

Hardball delenda est. And the bailouts must end!


All Alive (Birth Of The Groundman)

8 years ago where that event took place

The present neighbors screamed in vain
That stormy night was quite displaced

This day years later is a reflection on the past

One in secret destiny may never last

Over a year ago you past the streetlights with soft grass
Not to instigate polyphotonics, If I ever lose my path 
I will look back to June last year

I loved them so much that my crying halted

If my love is not capable, I knew it then much more than now
I live for days like that again

If you know who you are, please wake up inside
That mountain everest monkey fly


I do not care what you think (No longer)

You bleed me dry, steel and tried
Metal of rust, one of mind
Lifelike prophetic creations, consuming the earthen breed
Insectoid manifestations, like a hive we work unseen

Impurity displayed on a ledge ever high
Your one true focus is a bridge denied

I slave and play, never knowing the truth
Holding me breathless, that which what you never knew
I was a madman, nothingness lied
Void of sensation, I weep as a scrye

Sinking ships are but metal untested
Woman to man, yet a world uninvested


Object To The Very Ways Of Their Christ

2000 years has been enough, it's time to cast out Christian thought
The worship of a bastard is absurd, these inhuman ways must be fought
No more confessions or worthless prayers, guilt and faith I don't need
Rely upon thy self, not some idol god, self preservation is nature, logic, law, and key

Man is beast, and will is law
I am lord, master of life, glistened and raw
Choices brought with all ends in sight
True perfection is the will bearer's light

The lord thy god is neither real nor abstract
Weakness is unacceptable, in any right
Live to your apex, actualization is the clay
Build a house of stone, this shall not fore disarray

Hours on hours, days upon days
Life is immortal, if you make it to lay
I am the all, without walls but my own, universe never small
Only through ignorance, one shall ever fall

Adam and Eve were just a myth, evolution shows the proof
The meek shall never inherit the Earth. Charles Darwin, he wrote the truth
The words "Thou shalt" are for slaves, not those who rise above
"Love thy neighbor" is a wretched joke, for few are worthy of my love

Purification day has arrived, the Messianic ones revealing their ways
Soon the masses will wake up, this will be the Church's final days
Every empire that has stood strong has fallen in the past
Christianity is no exception, it's holy reign will never last


Wash The Planet Clean

I will let Agent Steel do the blogging:

We hear of strength in numbers
An army bound of will in unity
If you’re not with us you’re against us
But us is always you
And we is never me

I see a planned misdirection
Manipulate through terror
Ever threatening
The brotherhood will stop at nothing
Control the mind with pain and prophecy

If there’s a god
Why do we need your protection?
If there’s a god
I hope he saves us all from you

I watch the panicked masses
Believing desperately in outright lies
Connived facilitating slaughter
The order conquers and the order divides

Terrorize, mesmerize, codify
As real as it seems
Homogenize, supervise, genocide
Wash this planet clean