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#1  Edited By drakesfortune

Sony is getting on good terms with indies? When haven't they been on good terms with indie devs? The best indie games of the generation came our on PS3. They put more behind indie devs than any other console maker ever has.

Also, Infamous is boring?!?!? SERIOUSLY? Sorry, but what Infamous and the few other games like that, have done, isn't done very often. There are only a handful of open world, super hero, platforming games, and NONE of them are as good as Infamous. I'm halfway through Infamous 2, currently playing it, and it's one of my favorite games of this gen, and I play a lot of games. It's a really FUN game to play. It's one of those games that's just a joy to mess with. That the press rolls their eyes at it, but licks the spittle off the boots of CoD every year, says more about you than it does about Infamous. Infamous is one of the best franchises to come out of this gen, and it's a crime that it's been so overlooked.

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I too think Microsoft is going to have a tough time topping this. The network stuff on PS4 is really impressive. I really hope 720 isn't Kinnect centric, and I hope they go toe to toe with Sony on system performance. I would LOVE it if they came out with even higher specs, but I just doubt it. I was actually very surprised that PS4 will have 8 gigs of RAM. I didn't think they'd push it that high. I'm really hoping that all games are 1080P now.

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I'm very pumped for the PS4. I buy every console, but this is the most excited I've been for a launch since the Wii, and while that ended up not going so great for me, the PS4 looks awesome.

I was bummed to tune into Giant Bomb's stream though. I was watching IGN and it started going flaky around the car game dude. I tuned into Giant Bomb, and the snark was out in full force. When the Infamous guy came out I couldn't take it anymore and went back to IGN. I NEVER go to IGN. Giant Bomb is my main gaming website. You guys are just too cynical now. Nothing impresses you. You make people feel bad for being excited about a console launch.

You trolled and made fun of every speaker that came on the stage (admittedly while I was watching anyways). I felt embarrassed for you. As if Brad's shit doesn't stick too. It made me honestly wonder for the first time, why are you guys covering games anymore, if the launch of a powerful new system, with lots of new ideas, doesn't turn you on anymore? It's the PS freaking 4, and you guys sounded bored, too cool for it all, and above getting excited about the sauce that makes games better.

I heard you guys saying, well, it looks better, but that's not enough, blah blah blah. REALLY?! A nice jump in graphics has ALWAYS been good enough for me. Did you not see the sand demo? The demo of the old guy's face? WTF, that doesn't excite you? I pity you. And again, I love Giant Bomb. I'm a premium member. I buy every console that comes out. I love games. I'm 36 years old. I am not a fanboy of any one system. I just love games, so to listen to your DEPRESSING, live stream, just sucked.

Take a sabbatical, come back in 6 months. If you aren't excited about a new console, hang it up...

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Hotline Miami is fantastic, and yes it works great with a controller. That's how I played it, and loved the shit out of it.

That said, I hope they fix the bugs. The PC version has some annoying bugs, but nothing that broke the game for me. Just some bad crashes that made me have to play through some really tough sequences over again.

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#5  Edited By drakesfortune

Eh, who cares. It'll work itself out. Though your comment on Biden and Alexander shows your own political bias more than anything. Either inanimate objects are responsible for killing people, or they are not. Either we hold the people who do the acts responsible, or we blame scapegoat X, Y, or Z.

YOUR president, Obama, has been going after the video game industry since day one. Yet, he gets the pass, because he's got a D after his name, and you like them there fellers, and you don't like dem der fellers with the R after their name.

The video game journalism industry has the same problem the regular media does, in that you suffer from group think. You all have the same political ideology, and it seeps more and more into your regular coverage every day. It's nauseating. NAUSEATING.

I'm here for GAMES. I don't want to discuss politics here. Yet, the only way conservatives are heard in your industry, is in forums. Because you all have mind melded, you're all followers, you all think the same. It's group think in the extreme.

To sum it up, we have the right to carry arms not to protect ourselves against our neighbors, but to protect ourselves against a tyrannical government. Some people are going to die to keep that freedom. Cars kill many more young people, adults, and others as a result of their use. Yet we live with that risk. We get in our cars every day, and your much more likely to be killed maimed and destroyed in your car. Giving up our gun rights, to prevent a tiny amount of deaths, is short sighted, stupid, insane, and makes no sense. I can think of about 10 different ways, without a gun, to inflict more damage than was done at ANY of these gun massacres. To think that taking away guns is going to prevent crazy people from going on a killing rampage, is pure stupidity. What was used at the Oklahoma City bombing? Yeah, not a gun. How many people died? Many times the total number of these mass shooting sprees.

Liberal video game journalists (the only kind there are) are quick to go after guns and try to blame them. Just like liberal and conservative old people are quick to blame video games. Truth is, the killers kill the people. Most, if not all, of them are mentally ill. They are probably influenced negatively by games, and movies. Putting ideas in their heads. Then, having those mentally ill people have access to assault weapons, also makes things worse.

So can we try to solve this problem, without giving up basic rights. History is littered with democracies that failed. Ours has been resilient because of our protection of minority viewpoints, and because of the protection of our liberties. Both are eroded as time go on, and eventually our country will fail. Let's try not to rush to that failure...

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#6  Edited By drakesfortune

It's funny hearing people say that they didn't think this would happen to THQ. America as an entity is in worse shape htan THQ. Our debt situation is dire. We borrow half of what we spend. Our government just passed a MASSIVE new entitlement that will compound both our short and long term financial problems. And we re-elected the guy that got us to this point. We re-elected the guy who is doing exactly nothing to fix the problem. America is headed for a financial collapse MUCH worse than the Great Depression. President obama's plans to fix the crisis are worse than THQs UDraw solution. The reason tax revenue is so low is because employment is so low. The reason government expenditures are so high right now is because unemployment benefits are being paid out in record numbers. Obama's solution to these problems? Raise taxes on the very people you need to create jobs. As someone who owns a business, this is EXACTLY the wrong thing to do. High taxes make it not just difficult to hire more employees, they make it IMPOSSIBLE. For me, my inventory is counted as an asset. That means that if I invest more money in inventory, I still pay roughly 50 percent on the money I've invested in inventory growth. The net effect is that taxing my efforts to grow my business at 50 percent slows my growth to a trickle. In the eyes of the government I'm an evil one percenter. In reality, I pay myself about 40 grand per year. That 40 grand is taxed at the high rate too, so what I bring home to my family in real dollars is much less than that. Our tax code is the dumbest it could be, and Obama and his business ignorant politicians are the reason you can't find a job, your wages are stagnant, your work benefits are being cut. It's VERY simple math. So was THQs math. It was obvious to me they were DOOMED several years ago. Their only hope was a MASSIVE call of duty style blockbuster. Ie insert gambling metaphor.

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#7  Edited By drakesfortune

I love the keeping the guns out of dangerous hands.

It's loose language like that which results in oppressed people. Who decides who is dangerous? There are liberals who think conservatives are dangerous or mentally deranged just by being conservative. Who decides? Does playing Call of Duty make you dangerous? There are plenty of idiots in congress who think so.

The real danger we have is that so many people trust politicians to safeguard their liberties. By the time we figure out we're screwed, it'll be too late to do anything about it.

Just because it's 200 years later doesn't mean we don't still require our liberty. The government CAN NOT be trusted to dole out liberty. That's why the constitution says that our rights come from Got and Nature, NOT the government. They are inalienable rights. Meaning, rights that the government can NOT usurp. We would be fools to give up our right to protect ourselves with guns, from government tyranny, because 5 to 100 kids die per year in gun violence with guns legally bought. Thousands die each year in cars. Should we give up our right to drive cars too? How about fly planes. Planes killed more people on 9/11 than all the school shootings the world has ever known. Life isn't safe. Nature kills more kids each year that school shootings do. Should we ban people from living in places where hurricanes can hit?

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#8  Edited By drakesfortune

This is nothing new for Obama. He's constantly gone after video games. To the liberals here, you can't have it both ways. You can't say it's the guns that are the problem and then say it's not video games. Either the person commits the act, or the device and what he consumes does. Tim McVeigh didn't need any guns to kill hundreds of people. Neither did the terrorists on 9/11. Weapons don't kill people. Video games don't kill people. Movies don't kill people. Twisted, mentally ill, or radicalized people, kill people.

The reason we have guns isn't for hunting. It's to prevent a tyrannical government from usurping the will of the people. Kind of like we have right now, which a president issuing unconstitutional and illegal executive orders, instead of going through congress and passing laws. History is littered with Democracies that gave up their rights and weapons and ended in failed states with mass murder in the process. We can ban cars, which kill FAR more kids. Or we can ban alcohol, which kills FAR more kids than guns. Or we can try to treat sick people, and live with the knowledge that people kill people, cars kill people, nature kills people, and that's part of life. You'll never legislate your way out of sick people killing lots of people. You'll only legislate your ability to defend yourself.

And I don't even own a gun. I just don't trust the government. You shouldn't either. Rome lasted a longer than we did, and ended in failure. We're headed for failure at a much more rapid rate with this usurpation of congress and the rule of law. If it were a Republican president banning abortion via executive order, you'd be screaming bloody murder. Which is why no president should have the authority to write law on his own. Yeah, it's hard to pass laws. It is SUPPOSED to be. That's the exact design our founders wanted. The didn't want a tyrannical majority of 51% to be able to rule and run over the other 49%. That's the design of our government, and it's been eroded by president after president, none worse than Obama.

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#9  Edited By drakesfortune

@warthurton said:

For those having problems, can you open a command prompt and type:


Let me know the result you get for Name: and what range the IPs are in the Address list.




When i get 216.137.41 address it maxes out at 150kb/s

When i get 54.240.190.xx address it cruises along

Depending on where you are you should get a different IPs to direct you to the fastest server. Let's see if we can figure out what is going on and maybe get somebody on staff to help get it fixed.

I'm having horribly slow load times both at work and at home. I used to be able to watch it in HD, now I can't even get it to play reliably in the lowest quality settings. Getting superb HD quality with Netflix, and no issues with any other video services either. It really has gotten worse every week over the past month or so for me. Today in particular is really bad. I can't even watch anything at any quality right now. I've been trying to load and buffer a 4 minute vid forever now. I just became a premium member too, and it doesn't matter if I use the standard viewer, or the HTML5 theater viewer. Super bummer.

This is what I get when I run that command:

Server: UnKnown


Non-authoritative answer:




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#10  Edited By drakesfortune

Oh wow you mean the entertainment industry is making liberal leaning political games and forcing conservatives o play them. I challenge Giant Bomb to find a conservative leaning game and have one of he liberals at Giant Bomb, ie anyone working at Giant Bomb, to play that. Vote Romney, or you keep the hateful, racist left in the White House. The real racists, the dividers, like Obama are right before your eyes. Republicans are talking about fixing the issues we face as a country, and Obama is running a campaign of hater tearing Romney, accusing him of murder by cancer, then denied they had anything to do with it, only to proven wrong. Obama has lied, he has failed on every level. You have to be nuts to vote for more failure.