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So, I just signed up a yearly membership with Whiskey Media

I'm been on this site since it began. I've never really contributed to it as much as others have. I've never really edited articles or added info to anything, nor have I been a really active member altogether. But there is something different about this site, something that screams that this video game site is truly for gamers and not for the corporate BS that seems to be winding up in most other sites about video games. So why did I pay for a Membership?

Is it because of the FREE T-SHIRT!!?? :) :)....Well maybe lol. In all seriousness though, the reason I signed up is because I believe in what this site is doing and what it's trying to achieve, and when I mean this site I mean Whiskey Media as a whole, of course Giant Bomb was at the fore front, the first website to be taken under Whiskey Media, but look at how it's grown. It's grown into Tested, Comic Vine, Anime Vice and Screened, basically almost every medium of entertainment except books. There is literally something here for everyone and each site has a fantastic volume of content to appease anyone looking for info on anything they can think of.

On the subject of content, I cannot think of ANY other site that has more content then Giant Bomb with respect to being a Video Game website. The quick looks, endurance runs ( another one soon), Features and Live Specials are in large order on Giant Bomb. But what is more important than content? Entertaining content. Quick looks are unique to Giant Bomb with respect to most other video game websites. You get to watch 2 or 3 great fellas, sit down and play a game and talk about it, make fun of it, laugh at it, like it, dislike it, etc... Most other video game website don't even do "Quick Looks" because of either time constraints or bandwidth constraints, or the popular excuse, money constraints. I think this is what makes Giant Bomb rise up above all other video game sites. It provides a stellar amount of content and with that content comes great entertainment value that keeps me coming back day in and day out, just to laugh at another Ryan and Vinny Quick Look.

(I hate to bring this up but I think it's relevant in the discussion). Years ago I used to frequent Gamespot quite a bit before Giant Bomb was ever a thought (I'm sure many of you were as well). Why did I go to Gamespot more than any other video game website to watch reviews, because I loved the reviewers; Jeff Gerstmann, Ryan Davis, Brad Shoemaker and others I cannot remember their names but know their faces. When *you know what* happened, Gamespot was boring to me. I didn't know anyone anymore in respect to game reviewers because most of them were leaving. Then some months later, I heard of this new website, Giant Bomb that was going to started by Jeff. I was ecstatic. Fast forward to now and I am one happy customer of Giant Bomb. I love all of the reviewers and people who work for Giant Bomb and also the people who work for the other sites on Whiskey Media. This company knows how to hire great people, which is extremely important because it's these people that you will be seeing in videos and in reviews, telling which game is bad, which is good and just laughing with them (or at them LOL) and having a good time.

So, why did I spend my hard earned money on a membership? The simple answer is, these conglomerate of sites give me so much value. I keep coming back to watch Will and Norm make coffee, cook bacon and poke fun at each other and watch Jeff and Ryan play Kinect and get pissed off at the horrid controls and menus. I got a membership because I fully support this site and what it offers; it's valuable to all gamers in terms of information, it has great entertainment value, and the beauty of it is, it's valuable to people who like all sorts of entertainment (Anime, Comics, Phones, Computers, Coffee, Movies, Games etc,etc, etc...)

Giant Bomb, You Rock!!