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"I'mma make a video game!" Part 2

Not that much has changed since the last post, but it feels like I'm making progress. I spent the bulk of the day yesterday trying to supplement the XNA content importer so that it would handle skinned, animated 3D models. The biggest change since last time is probably the support for reading level data from .XML-files and to create such files in-game, making the process of creating simple levels smoother than if I'd had to plot out X,Y and Z-coordinates by hand.

So where you at, dawg?

There is now a level-select screen from which the player can choose from one of the three test-levels I made. By clicking the right stick an "edit-mode" can be activated which lets the player add new blocks, remove them all, save the level and not fall to their death. Also added a timer, but it's not used right now other than displaying the elapsed time since the player entered the level.
 Next on the list of things to do includes multiple block types, saving the player's recorded time, and making the space marine-dude patrol a set path and chase the player if he gets too close.