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Top Ten of 2011 (Everyone Loves Lists)

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  • Murderbrawl XXXI is the most fun I've had in years. I will not spoil it but it could easily the most amazing sequence I've ever played in a game. Someone said of Saints Row the Third that "every mission is as crazy as some other game's last mission." I think that sums up why this is my top game of the year, it's awesomeness and awesome absurdity all in one highly entertaining package.

  • All signs pointed to awful when it was announced there would be a new EDF game from the developer of Eat Lead, the dumb Matt Hazard game, but it ended up being a pretty competent sequel to Earth Defense Force: 2017 and a really fun game.

  • I understand the online was essentially broken at release and for a long while afterward, and is possibly still broken. The first Mortal Kombat plays virtually the same even with tons of lag, and all I want to do is play MK1 online versus strangers anyhow.

  • Mortal Kombat(9) Had a really fun story mode that was a good payoff to someone dumb enough to play through all prior Mortal Kombat games, all eight of them, someone such as myself.

  • This game was every bit as balls out absurd as the the last two and has quickly surpassed Starcraft and Street Fighter as my favorite game to watch pro matches of.

  • Although I like the campaign a bit less than the last two Dawn of War 2 installments, this one allows you to play as any of the 6 races in the (shorter) campaign. Unlike the prior games in which you could only use the space marine faction in the story. The campaign isn't what gets this game on the list, the update's additions to the "Last Stand" game mode introduced in Chaos Rising added hours of playtime to the game with an excellent "one more game" addiction level.

  • (I have still not yet cleared the 1st act so my opinion doesn't apply to the later parts of the game which I've heard are not so good.) I originally avoided it because the ad's only made me think, "gee... more zombies". Turned out it actually had some really fun and inventive things going on and with the nifty analog controls allowed you deliver really satisfying blows upon the heads of zombies with a flaming cudgel or electrified machete.

  • It's fun to see what is usually kept in a bird's eye view strategy genre up close and personal. The absurd bulk and weight of a space marine in full armor is well represented in this game, a running shoulder charge will turn your enemies into an unrecognizable red and green mist. A fun multiplayer mode helps round the game out but the main attraction of Space Marine is stepping into the boots of a 10 foot tall, chainsaw sword swinging, death incarnate and the game delivers that in spades.

  • The art direction and setting of this game is terrific fun. I normally don't go for tower defense type games but Double Fine made one that lets you run around the map shooting at everything from inside a WWI era "tank" on legs. It's a bit on the short side but stands well above most titles found on Xbox Live Arcade in both quality and bang for your buck.

  • Within an hour of sitting down in front of this game I learned all that was needed to know when it comes to operating any electric/diesel train in service today. If I ever appear on the news responsible for stealing then derailing a passenger train in Germany sometime then know that it was Train Simulator 2012 that gave me the tools to make the magic happen.