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Special edition Pichu to be given away at GameStop

Fellow Pokemaniacs, get your DS's charged and prepare to head down to your local GameStop. For two weeks, starting on January 30th (Happy birthday, me) you can get an exclusive in-game Pikachu-colored Pichu. I'm pretty sure they're the same colors, but hey, WHATEVS! In either case, that Pichu can then be taken to Ilex forest in upcoming Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (coming March 14 (Happy birthday, someone)) and get a special Pointy-eared Pichu! Huzzah! 
All the details can be found in GameStop's official release here. Also I hear you get a special figurine of some sort for pre-ordering the game, if you're into that. 
Anybody up for a sweet Pichu? I missed my chance on collecting Arceus at the event in November, if somebody has a spare they could let me have, or even just let me borrow it so I can get it on my Pokedex, I would be incredibly happy to make a trade, feel free to PM me. 
I can't wait for about you? 
Edit: Also there's this. It's pretty awesome: