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Myst: Scrawlings of a Mad Man

A couple of weeks ago I finished Myst for the first time. It took me about 12 hours over the course of just over a week and it was really fun. There was a lot more story to it than I imagined and I can't wait to start playing Riven. Well, I did start it after I finished Myst, but it crashed and I haven't gone back to it since. So here are my notes:

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I started from the bottom, for the most part. As you can see, I went into a lot more detail than I needed to and worked harder to figure out one puzzle than was necessary for the entire game. Mainly because I took an incredibly long time to figure out a simple mechanic.

The only times I needed outside help were to figure out what Atrus was saying at one point ("tower rotation", which turns out to be the biggest clue in the whole game; the closest I came was "towel we taught") and to find the red page in the sound land. I knew the chances were low, but I didn't want to look through the whole maze system for it.

That's it! I'll be doing one of these for Riven, as long as I can get past the graphics (I played RealMyst) and maybe Fez, if I produce enough meaningful notes.