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Avatar: Sozin's Comet

I just saw the finale for Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Avatar has maintained a level of quality and story-telling excellence that few other animated series can compete with. In many ways I am satisfied with the finale, and at the same time I feel slight pangs of sorrow because the storyline has been brought to an end, yet there is so much left to be told. Part of me wants to see another series in the same universe, but the other part of me knows that milking the series is an ill-advised course for a show of this caliber. If they could maintain the breadth of vision and superb quality, then I would implore them to make more, but under closer scrutiny, anyone can see that the major loose ends have been tied up. Now that Aang has full control of the Avatar state, he is virtually unbeatable.

The Avatar art style is top-notch
The Avatar art style is top-notch
There will never be a "bad guy" that poses any sort of significant threat to someone as powerful as the Avatar, and with that, the Avatar Aang story arc comes to a fitting and humble end.

As usual the fight scenes were excellent. Avatar has always been a breath of fresh air to people who loath the pathetic fight sequences of most animes, which employ lots of smoke clouds and 2-frame cutting animations. The combat in Avatar is well planned and well executed, but that is the standard for the series, so it should come as no surprise. What did take me by surprise is the way the finale had a "just another episode" feeling, and that naturally left me with the notion that something will be coming after it. As I stated before, this isn't the case (as far as we know).

I also am wondering what they did with Azula. They didn't show her in the prison, and we know she wasn't executed. They certainly couldn't keep her around while they are rebuilding the world, she is a brat and has sufficiently lost her marbles. Unless Aang removed her fire bending, too. Then they could keep her around without her posing a risk to the reconstruction.

So.... With this, I say goodbye to Avatar: The Last Airbender... for now. Who can say what the future holds? I just hope it doesn't include Shymalan massacring my favorite series with his poor directing skills.