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E3 2008

Well another E3 has come and gone. There was no earth shattering news (except for maybe FFXIII on xbox 360...I think everyone was expecting it though), but tons of great games were on display. Some quick thoughts on the games that caught my attention the most:

Far Cry 2 looks amazing. So do RE5, Left 4 Dead, and Dead Space (I'm a sucker for survival horror). Fable 2 looks to be coming along well, I love that you can literally buy every shop, castle, etc in the game. And who can forget Fallout 3? I'm a big fan of the original two and had my reservations like lots of people about the free-roaming Oblivion-style gameplay that Bethesda was pursuing, but after seeing the demo, I am absolutely pumped. Finally on the Lucasarts side of things, Force Unleashed almost brought tears to my eyes, as did Mercenaries 2.