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Uh oh...

I spent all of last night submitting close to 500 images, and they were ALL pending this morning. Now, I'm looking on my "Pending Subs" page under the "images" tab, and I see only about 25 images pending. I have received no notification in my feed or anywhere else about the other 475 images being accepted or rejected. They are just gone from my "Pending Subs" page. Please, for the love of God and all that is holy...PLEASE don't tell me there is a glitch with the web page and that I have to re-submit 475 images.

UPDATE: My God, I spoke to another user who was having the same problem and it seems like our submissions are gone, just like that. I know the site is in beta but I don't know if I can take the blow. Maybe you guys think I'm whining and being silly but I sat in front of the computer for hours last night scouring for screenshots, uploading them to this site, posting them to their respective pages, doing my part to contribute, and all my hard work is gone just like that. I'm gonna need some kind of guarantee that this won't happen again before I invest any more time and energy into making contributions to this site.

UPDATE 2: OK I made some new screenshot submissions about 15 minutes ago and those are not showing up under the "images" tab in "pending subs" either, so there is hope that rather than my 475 images being lost, they are still pending and just not showing up under "pending subs" due to a glitch in the website. I still have lengthy articles that have now been pending for 40+ hours. 4 people is not enough to go through these submissions. That is an impossible task. They need to get some new staff members ASAP.