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Killzone 2 demo codes, and impressions.

The demo was only about 15 minutes long, so obviously I can’t really judge it. Based on what I’ve played the game seems like it relies on its high production values, and amazing graphics. So yes, while I was in awe over the visuals, Killzone didn’t really pull me in like I expected it to.

Here are some codes for those of you who didn’t pre-order it form Gamestop, and don’t want to spend the time making a European account. I don't know when they will be useable for the U.S. Store, but according to some people on the Gamespot forums you can use em' now. Happy Hunting!



Oh! The Halo Wars demo also came ou today. It was actually pretty sweet, controlled well, and going from OXM's review of it I'm looking forward to it.


Everyone buy Gears 2!

After a long winded midnight release (150 people) I finally got home from work and poped in Gears of War 2. My immediate reaction was the major upgrades mechanically. The visuals by far have advanced from the previous game, everthing looks smoother and more attractive just giving the game an overall better presentation. Second, would be the weight of the enviornment and how the weapons fire. The Lancer got totally redone and feels more powerful and accurate. Unfortuanitly I only got to play the first 15 minutes of the campaign, but that alone has be stoked. With a better presentation, more exposition, and an overall better feel, Gears 2 looks to be a big timesink for me.



Left 4 Dead Demo

Based on what I hear from my manager, and Gamestop's site we'll soon be getting demos for the zombie genocide simulator. Now I know Gamestop's the devil incarnate for the game industry, and pre-orders are tools of Satan himself, but if you do pre-order it you can receive the exclusive demo, which is only available between 11/6-11/11. Now I'm not sure if the demo will go on Xbox LIVE on the 11th or what, but I'm not taking any chances. Apparently the pre-order is a code, but I'm not positive. I'm giving some out to certain people already, hopefully I'll have extras. I think Gamestop owes be a check for free internet advertisement. Good Hunting!

LittleBigPlanet Rocks!

Hiding in a cornfield is NOT a good idea in zombie apocalypse.
Hiding in a cornfield is NOT a good idea in zombie apocalypse.

Fallout Impressions & Left 4 Dead

I'm about four hours into Fallout 3, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It feels hella artificial like Oblivion, and combat is clunky as hell, but it's basic RPG elements are addicting, and the game's scence of wonder and adventure make it appealing. While reviews have shot down the publica opinion of Fallout being "Oblivion with guns", I'll testify that it totally is in no such way like Oblivion, other than terms of mechanics. My initial word is buy the game, but those who didn't enjoy the way Oblivion was designed probably wont enjoy it.

Left 4 Dead. What the hell is wrong with you people? No ones really talking about this. Do I have to remind you that Vaulves designing it, and it's a fucking 4 player co-op shooter? Well a demo is avaliable through Gamestop on the 8th if you pre-ordered it. It'll have online co-op and everything, so don't worry. I know a lot of action games are coming out withen the next three weeks, but if you have to choose between COD 5 and Left 4 Dead...I can't help you if you take a WWII shooter over zombies.


Pros & Cons

Totally stole this from Stephen (Player1)

If any of you live in the southern Ohio area, I may or may not be on the local news next week. PM me.


Obtaining a PS3 for cheap!

Getting LittleBigPlanet

Finishing the site (will be posted this week)

Playing Fable 2, and having the game be a truly unique RPG

Learning some new Army stuff, and shooting an M4 for the first time today

Totally sat in a tank, it's rad


Without intention, hearing Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" at least once a day for the past month

Feeling really tired after military training

Too many games to play!

Feeling conflicted about the music game genre, am I tired of it or not!?


Easily what could have been a three week project turned into about a six week delima. While we're back on track, the collection of my name being stolen, me changing the entire look of the site twice, and my tech guys being busy with work and school has thrown a pretty big monkey wrench in my system, but for the better. In fact, I'm glad the site didn't go up last week as originally intended. The more and more I think about GamePortrait, the more ideas I get to seperate it from other sites, making me feel confinite that it will be unique and fun for the internet kids. I'm shooting for quality here, and while I could have easily posted the site two weeks ago, it wouldn't be anything special. Thinking that this will last for multiple years, and me ahving long term plans for it makes me want the best for GamePortrait, and high quality comes with time.



It's Fable 2 day!

So Fable 2 came out last night, and I worked until around 1. Met some awesome people! At one point around 11, I took the lnie away form my store and we all went out to eat. My manager thought no one was showing up, then I just told him "I took the line with me". But the site should go up in some way-shape-or form this evening. Meaning a logo most likely. The whole thing is going to be up by this time next week in beta form. Maeaning the look of the site can (and probably will) change. Now it's time to go to my next class, I'll see you all on Xbox LIVE tonight!


Fucking Pirates!

Player 1, JamesF(not really), Giyanks, and myself have been playing Age of Booty all afternoon, and my God that game is awesome. It's a strategy game that puts you in control of a pirate ship, and you fight opposing teams for resources, and territory. What seems like a simplistic arcade game, made me realize I judged a book by its cover. If you plan to win your multiplayer games, then coordinated teamwork is required to last more than 2 minutes. Surprisingly complex, but never overbearing. That's what makes this game so engrossing. Most strategy games, especially low budget ones, try to throw a lot of management in your face, but Age of Booty doesn't bother with that, but still strays from feeling shallow. Also, weird enough, all out names are on the leaderboards in order. Me being 120th. I'm expecting to clim that ladder. So why the hell are you reading this!? But the dame game, it's ten bucks!

Where's the good ninja multiplayer game?
Where's the good ninja multiplayer game?
No Caption Provided



What's going on with those damn explosions!?

So GamePortrait is all good. We've got some annoying technical difficulties, and I changed the layout, soo set us back a few days. Also, I failed to mention to the tech guys I needed an open forum. But there's been sort of a renovation with hoe the site will be handled, and let me explain. I figured commnity is key, and informing the public is the key that many gaming journalists forget about.  I'd say to remember your audience and make sure you're meeting their needs, not yours. It's easy to get attached to certain turns of phrase and specific wording that you feel might make you sound smart. But what really matters is getting your point across in a clear and consise manner. You're not curing cancer, you're reviewing products that are supposed to be fun. Most people don't want to spend a lot of time reading about games. They want to spend a lot of time playing games, and turn to reviews to make sure they get the most out of their limited playing time. So getting the key facts of a review out there as close to the top as possible is vital. At least, that's the philosophy that led to our style. Also, not ever forgeting that games are still expensive. Getting them for free tends to make a lot of people lose that perspective over time, but the people you're writing for have $60 on the line every time they read a review. Make sure you do everything in your power to get them to spend it wisely.

Obviously I can't review everyting, nor expect my writers to cover everything I can't. Here's where the community comes in. To anyone who writes a good editorial, or review can post it on my site, as long as quality is up to par. Once you've submitted X-number of good content you would be protted to a consistent writer. When this happens, my artist will draw a cartoon rendition of you to attach to all your stuff, and your name will be highlighted in all you content, so people know you're not just a random dude sending me stuff. So I'll be on the look out for good stuff on Giantbomb and Gamespot.

Here comes the boom
Here comes the boom

Also, I finished two reviews. Both incredibly short, both about games that don't really warrant an epic review. Lego Batman & War World.

You know...WarWorld? The mech game for XBLA that was supposed to release last year, but came up last week? C'mon, anybody?

...tell me what you think
