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So Long, Space Shepard

After 37 hours, the story of my Commander Shepard comes to an end. The revelations at the end are sudden and bewildering, but it didn't get in the way of my enjoyment. I understand the negativity surrounding the ending, though I don't agree with it. Also, I am amused that BioWare addresses my peeves with the ammunition system in a conversation in Mass Effect 3.

Speaking of ammunition, I really enjoy the tweaks to the combat in Mass Effect 3. The weight system that affects cool down times and the power combination explosions add interesting and entertaining strategy and tactics to the gun play. In a similar vein, I really enjoy the multiplayer mode of Mass Effect 3. Shooting enemies is fun and the frustrating mysterious-grab-bag nature of gear procurement brings out the horrible gambling compulsions hidden within me.

As for the narrative beats of Mass Effect 3, the War Assets system doesn't compare favorably to Mass Effect 2's Suicide Mission. While it's nice to seem some familiar faces in Mass Effect 3, it is a little sad to see their final contribution to Shepard's story be a number added to a bigger number. The side missions in Mass Effect 3 are no better or worse than in previous Mass Effect games. The story missions has some great moments and keep up the quality I've come to expect.

Thought the story is over, I still want more of it. I eagerly await the Extended Cut content for Mass Effect 3.