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Time to mix drinks and change lives.

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The Saints Own The Space

I got one game during the Steam 2012 Summer Sale and that was Saint's Row The Third. I got the franchise pack with all the DLC which was slightly not worth the extra $12. The game took me about 30 or so hours to complete and I did nearly everything. I probably shouldn't have spent so much time doing the side missions. The story missions succeed with their humorous dialogue and scenarios. If the missions weren't so funny, the game's shooting and driving wouldn't have held the game up. What also didn't hold up was the game's framerate. I didn't get the performance I desired even at low settings so that is a disappointment.

While I didn't find the game as amazing as I was lead to believe, I still had a lot of fun with Saint's Row The Third. I'm eager to see what Volition will do next.