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@justin258: Hey I know how you feel. Absolutely LOVE from games so when I got my hands on Sekiro, I couldn't wait to dive in. I was having a blast initially then hit a wall and bounced off after about 5 weeks.

Granted I was also heavily into Rainbow Six with my friends so I wasn't dedicating myself the way I usually do with Froms games. Part of that was its more restrictive with 1 weapon and all that. The main part was because I was struggling more than I ever have with Froms other Souls games (outside maybe my first time with Demons). So I wasn't putting much time into it even when I did have some free time. After needing some HD space I deleted it to install something else.

Months later I couldn't let go of the idea that I let Sekiro beat me. I've devoured other Froms games since Demons so I hated that I gave up. Eventually I was tired of having to keep deleting games to make space so I bought a 1TB external and proceeded to redownload anything I may want to play.

Then one day I just decided to jump back in. It was hard to be thrown in at the last part I gave up on (a series of enemies and a mini boss before Madame Butterfly) but I suffered through it for a night and passed it. Of course unbeknownst to me the dreaded Butterfly woman awaited me. I'd heard this was the breaking point for many so I figured this was all or nothing.

I ended up learning alot of parrying from that fight and how to play the game. From there I was anxious to keep going. I finally finished the whole game a little over a year from its release but it was extremely satisfying. I won't say it's my favorite but I really enjoyed it. I didn't think I'd go back to it despite how much I liked it but I've been tempted to go back since they updated it and added some stuff. If my backlog wasn't so huge I may have done it already.

TL:DR I'd recommend diving back it, you may end up really enjoying it.

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#2  Edited By exrian

Listening to the first episode of his new podcast (Fire Escape) and when he mentions his job after leaving GBE, he is reluctant to talk about it. To be fair I don't really know what his actual job was after GB but I thought he was like a behind the scenes guy at WWE. Could be 100% incorrect.

Did something go wrong?

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I saw the first episode and it was pretty entertaining. As someone who has very little interest in that game, I'm definitely into watching Jeff play it. Haven't seen any videos but I'm also not constantly looking either. I recall him mentioning it on the GB podcast or Hotspot one day. Talking about how he was wondering if he should show the whole thing or edit it some.

Has he continued or just gave up?

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I don't really with TV or videos. Podcasts definitely. I usually listen at 1.5x but was at 2x at one point. Honestly you get used to it then normal speeds sound so odd. There was a handful of podcasts where I didn't know how they sounded normal til just recently after years of listening.

Been playing FF14 and it's a great game to listen to podcasts while playing. I'm so caught up that I have switched to normal speeds just extend them lol. That was strange for a bit but I'm used to it now.