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Games I Completed in 2014

I keep track of all games I complete on HowLongToBeat.

However, I think the lists here at Giant Bomb look nicer and are easier to read through. Therefore, I'm going to keep adding to this list as I complete games.

Just for clarity, by "complete," I mean that I finish the main narrative or single-player campaign. I likely won't put games here that don't have a campaign, i.e. racing games.

List items

  • Completed January 11.

    I enjoyed this game - more than I thought I would I enjoyed traversal more than in Arkham City, mainly because I didn't enjoy navigating all the flooded portions of City. However, I'm very glad that Arkham Knight was delayed until next year, because I would not have been ready for another Arkham game this fall.

  • Completed January 16.

    I played the enhanced PC version of this game. I had a ton of fun with it. I would love a second game, though I hope they can squeeze more puzzles into the game.

  • Completed January 26.

    This was a great game. I enjoyed it even more than Year Walk. I enjoyed the old spy movie feel and the interesting ending.

  • Completed February 18.

    I wasn't expecting to like this game much. I loved Thief II, and I was expecting Deadly Shadows to really betray a lot of what I loved about the Thief series. However, after realizing that I could play Deadly Shadows in first-person, I was pleasantly surprised by the gameplay, though the levels were small. I still haven't played the new Thief, but it is high up in my backlog (despite the mediocre reviews).

  • Completed February 21.

    I honestly didn't like this game that much. The art is gorgeous, and the basic story was good, but I couldn't get attached to characters, because they died off too quickly without first establishing good relationships with me, the player, and having more personality (voice-overs would have helped). Also, I didn't think the strategy element had enough depth. I am optimistic about the second part of the series, but I really hope they give more depth to the strategy. I just ended up frustrated and tired of the game by the end of it.

  • Completed March 20.

    I had a ton of fun with this game. It was funny and just a blast to play through. I really hope this does well enough for a sequel!

  • Completed March 22.

    This was a fun little diversion. I'm glad it wasn't too much longer, because I didn't love the 3DS control scheme. However, I could see myself liking the SIN version, so I will put that on my list.

  • Completed March 30.

    This took me a long time to complete. I didn't like the naval battles until the late-game, when I had a heavily upgraded ship. I enjoyed the story, at first, but I got a little tired of the missions, after a while, because I've played every Assassin's Creed game and am getting burned out. I'm not sure I'll play Unity right after release, but it does have me interested enough to play it next year, at the latest. That still surprises me.

  • Completed May 11.

    I really enjoyed this game. It was maybe an hour or two too long, but I still really liked it. I didn't have as much of a problem with the dialogue as many reviewers, it seems. I really like Ubisoft doing these smaller games. I'm excited for Valiant Hearts and hope Ubi gets to make many more games like these!

  • Completed May 20.

    This was the first game I played on my new PC. I really had fun with it. I'm excited to play through the rest of the series, especially since this first game is seven years old. I want to see where 3 took the series, since it is still pretty recent.

  • Completed June 7.

    I enjoyed a lot of this game, but there were some pretty bad and frustrating puzzles that could have been handled better. I'm glad I played it, though.

  • Completed June 18.

    I have to say I was very disappointed in Watch Dogs. It turned out to have very boring side missions, rote main missions, and some very frustrating moments, as well. I'm glad I experienced it, and I agree that it is a "Good" game, but it just wasn't the great game I wanted...

  • Completed June 29.

    I enjoyed the change of pace in Warhead compared to the original game - more set pieces and fast changes between levels. However, the cut scenes went on way too long and got really awkward. I think they needed a different and better editor.

  • Completed July 5.

    I did not enjoy the combat of Transistor. I just didn't find it compelling. It got too repetitive really quick for me. I had a similar problem with The Banner Saga. The art of both of those games are beautiful, the story is intriguing though maybe not as full as I'd like, but I just wanted both to end due to what felt to me like repetitive combat. I know a lot of people liked the combat, but I guess it just wasn't for me. I do hope a second game comes along with some refinements and even more of that beautiful, intriguing world (I am also hopeful for the next Banner Saga game...).

  • Completed July 8.

    I have played a couple visual novels, and I want to play more. I have an idea for my own game that could either be a visual novel or adventure game. So, I want to do more "research" on visual novels to make the decision on which would fit my idea best... I recommend Juniper's Knot to anyone that has 45 minutes and is interested in visual novels (it's free, too).

  • Completed July 12.

    The last episode was a bit of a letdown for me, but I thoroughly enjoyed this game, as a whole, even more than The Walking Dead seasons. I just really loved the setting of The Wolf Among Us and got into the noir-style rough cop, solving a mystery, making tough choices story. I would highly recommend this game to anyone. I am pretty sure it will end up on my Top 10 list for this year...

  • Completed July 13.

    Wow. This was a huge letdown for me. I expected something crazy and fast paced, but I got a very buggy game that I didn't feel was paced very well, especially when it slowed me down with collecting random things instead of just pushing me through the crazy sets and actual gameplay. I know this game is already short, but I think it should have been shorter and never gave the player the opportunity to do any one thing too long.

  • Completed July 22.

    This was definitely my least favorite game in the series, but I had to play it in order to get to Tales of Monkey Island and finally complete the entire series. This game had some good parts, but so many of the puzzles just seemed obtuse, and I think the world just really started losing its charm even after the second game. We'll see how Tales is. I have higher hopes for it, since I would consider the latest a "modern" game, even though it is 5 years old, at this point. Also, the latest is a Telltale game, which means something to me.

  • Completed August 1.

    Murdered is a good game, and the best and most accurate thing I can say about it is that it is greater than the sum of its parts. I know that gets said a lot, but this is a perfect example of that, because there are a lot of ways this game can be picked apart from some mediocre graphics to bad animations to some bad "stealth" gameplay to some laughable lines and story elements. However, the overall story and basic premise is interesting, and the game is just short enough (about 8 hours) to not overstay its welcome, in my opinion. I enjoyed it, and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a slower-paced game with an interesting mystery drama with some creepy bits mixed in (not really scary, but creepy).

  • Completed August 3.

    The missions in Freedom Cry can be very annoying. They use some of the same mission-types as other AC games. However, the story was good and impactful, and I felt the 5 hour campaign was the perfect amount of time I wanted to spend back in the Black Flag world, as the main game was already about 15-20 hours longer than I wanted.

  • Completed August 10.

    I've enjoyed this entire series, but I was still surprised at how much I liked Epiphany. I was compelled to play it and finish it as quickly as I could, to see how the story unfolded. I recommend this series to any adventure game fans, and I am happy to say that the ending is handled very well and is very satisfying.

  • Completed August 31.

    I was disappointed with this game, for the most part. Only the last hour really did what I wanted. I was looking for a well-told story with weight that didn't get bogged down with frustrating puzzles. Instead, I felt most of the game had a disposable story with puzzles that were too tedious and/or frustrating. The last hour was good, though, which at least was nice to end the game on.

  • Completed September 1.

    This season was not nearly as satisfying and enjoyable to me as the first season. I just didn't connect with many characters and strongly disliked a few of the characters, such as Kenny.... That being said, it was still a good game, better than others I've played this year. So, I'm glad I played it and followed it from the beginning to the very end.

  • Completed September 18.

    Overall, I liked Uncharted 3 more than 2, but 3 was more difficult than I remember 2 being. All in all, it was a fun ride, though I kind of wish I would have played on Easy and just spared myself some frustration at certain parts. ;)

  • Completed September 26.

    I didn't enjoy this as much as "Don't Take it Personally..." and definitely not as much as Digital: A Love Story. However, it was interesting and entertaining. I'll play Hate Plus, the sequel in the next few months.

  • Completed October 2.

    I loved this game. I wish I would have played it when it first came out, but I'm really glad I played it this year, because I'll be surprised if it isn't in my Top 5 at the end of the year. It is incredibly fun and actually has some very real characters and emotions, which I wasn't really anticipating.

  • Completed October 22.

    I recommend this game for the experience of exploring the world, but the puzzles are frustrating at times, and the story is interesting but doesn't have the big "payoff" that I think it was going for.

  • Completed November 1.

    If you liked Costume Quest 1, I think playing the second game is a no-brainer. The story is better, the combat is more interesting, and there are more locations to explore. It's a great little game that is perfect for the "Halloween season."

  • Completed November 11.

    I'm so glad I bought this game at release. I had a ton of fun with it, though I was ready for it to end a few hours before it actually did. I fully recommend it to anyone that likes action and/or open-world games.

  • Completed November 13.

    This game is very frustrating. There is about 30-45 minutes of fun and about an hour and half of frustration. I really liked the first game, but I just feel that this game wasn't what I wanted.