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A short list of things I am doing-Part 2

 Hello friends.
I figured that my current pile of things which never gets smaller might be of some sort of interest. It's certainly diverse enough.

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Games are coming in kinda short at the moment, just due to not being anything I really want to play, and university work.
Borderlands: Only really playing this because a buddy of mine bought it, and it might inspire me to do some achievements. Siren GET!
Professor Layton and the diablolical box: This game is just pure toughnuts. I'm still playing it kind of, but it's sort of hard. Sometimes I can look at it and spend an hour doing a puzzle. Then I get one in 4 seconds.
Dissidia: Fighting Kefka is sweet. The voice acting makes me uncomfortable, however
Tales of Vesperia: Big open RPG with the best cel-shading I've ever seen. Also, Raven!

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All the above DVDS are the standard fair. Anime or anime influenced, in regards to Zatoichi. Also, Akira. Watch it.

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Cinema Anime is a book I'm reading for an essay I am writing on posthumanism.
Nana is just...awesome storyline.
Yotsuba 3 is one of the best Yotsuba books. Jumbo is God Tier.
Epic of Gilgamesh: Ancient King fucks shit up, in more words or less. YES!

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In regards to the anime I am currently watching, I guess this is it. Serial Experiments Lain is again, for an essay I'm trying to finish.
Last Exile is about planes, and planes are cool.
Samurai Champloo and Mononoke are just visually and audibly stunning, so I think I need to watch them to broaden my interest sphere.
That's it for now, I guess. I did write a research report for my Posthumanism essay in Sci-fi anime here, if that's your thing
Thanks for reading <3