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Games finished - 2013

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  • PSV - Charming, has a great base mechanic, some great visual style and art direction. Level design isn't always the best. It's fun and well made overall. 4/5.

  • PC - A decent character action game. It doesn't break the mold nor does it reinvent DmC in a bold new direction. Combat is pretty good but no-where near as fun or deep as previous entries. Characters are mostly boring and wasted and the story is fairly sub-par. Level design lacks variety when you're going from combat>platforming>combat>platforming>boss constantly. Especially since the platforming is so simple. It's not a bad game but nothing to write home over. It's OK. 3/5

  • PC - One of the more enjoyable puzzle games I've played since Portal. Exploring the chamber is rewarding and it hits the pleasure centers of your brain when you're unlocking room after you've discovered a solution. Occasionally some of the mechanics aren't as well explained as I would have like which is unfortunate. That said, Antichamber is still a great puzzle game. 4/5

  • PC ... i guess? This a game? I dunno. It has a beginning and an end. It's weird.

  • PS3/PSV - Really enjoyable old-school PS2 style platform game with a great style, fun gameplay, tons of varied and great looking levels. 4/5

  • PS3 - a really good character action game. Combat is fast and fun and can be approached in a casual but also hardcore way. Parrying is especially fun. 4/5

  • PC - A successful Uncharted style action-shooter that manages to throw a few twists in without falling on it's face. Pacing is particularly good here as it moves between combat>platforming>puzzle. Really enjoyed it. 4/5


  • PC - Really good in some spots, misguided in others. Dead Space 3 manages to retain just enough of what makes the series worth playing while also throwing in a few new ideas. However the further the series drifts into "action-shooter" territory, the worst it becomes. 3/5

  • PC - a fantastic shooter with fantastic characters and a fantastically told story. Bioshock Infinite is ... really really damned good. 4/5

  • 3DS - A super charming game. Gameplay is tons of fun and levels are great to explore and search for secrets. Luigi's Mansion is really fun. 4/5

  • PC - A Far Cry 3 experience the feels more complete and is more entertaining than the original Far Cry 3. From start to finish Blood Dragon manages to be fun, engaging, and funny. It's a complete package. 4/5

  • 3DS - A fairly straightforward adventure game set on a Starship adrift in space. The first 10 minutes are fantastic and it's disappointing the game ends up betraying the opening as it goes. What it becomes is not nearly as entertaining as what it starts out as. That being said, it has good atmosphere and some inventive ideas. As a bite-sized short story, it's mostly successful. Just don't expect a lot of depth or challenge. 3/5

  • PC - Legit surprised about this game. It was not on my radar at all a week before release. Gunslinger is similar to FC3:Blood Dragon in that it's a small $15 game that will only take you around 4 hours to complete. And just like Blood Dragon, Gunslinger manages to pack in a lot of fun into those 4 hours. Being as short as it is, Gunslinger is able to tell a tight narrative and the mechanics don't never get dull. This game is a lot of fun and is well worth the time and money. 4/5

  • PC - The Swapper is a fantastic puzzle platforming game with stunning and beautiful graphics and style. The clone/swap mechanic it introduces is used for some of the most clever puzzles I've seen since Portal. I love how the game manages to teach you through progression and not telegraphed tutorials. You always feel like you figured something out and that's one of the markings of a great puzzle game. Earlier this year I praised Antichamber for it's smart puzzles and usage of exploration but I felt it did a poor job at teaching some critical mechanics. The Swapper succeeds at all the former points and doesn't falter in the latter. It's quite good. 5/5

  • PS3 - TLOU is a game with a complex, deep and rich narrative. Very few games manage to really bring out emotional responses from digital characters. This game builds the world and the characters in such a way that feels natural. I rarely felt I was being overly manipulated and nearly all of the great character moments are earned and deserved. TLOU also delivers great variety in locations and settings as it moves through a desolate barren world. Gameplay wise, TLOU is the closest game I've played that manages to make shootouts meaningful. I also enjoyed the stealth aspects of the game as well. TLOU is one of those "swan song" type games that cap off a generation, it combines many concepts and aspects from throughout seen across many games throughout the years and handles them with expert care. TLOU is great and shouldn't be missed. 5/5

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