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What makes Super Monkey Ball so good?

After getting Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania for my birthday, I've been playing it religiously. Unlike the other games I like to play, Super Monkey Ball stands out from the rest. Not just in the feel of the game, but in how fun and addictive it is.

So, how can a game so simplistic be so good?

To find that answer, we can look at the Super Monkey Ball issue of Retro Gamer (which is really good, you should get it). Super Monkey Ball's origins begin with an arcade game, simply titled Monkey Ball, released in May of 2001. Or, if we're just talking about the idea of shifting a platform around to get a marble to the goal hole, Monkey Ball transcends time. Arcade games are designed to be addictive, to get people to spend more quarters. The GameCube version of Monkey Ball, Titled Super Monkey Ball, didn't change the difficulty of the game from the arcade version. And the game isn't easy by any means. With the short time slot and the curving path, Super Monkey Ball isn't for the easily angered. But beating a level feels so rewarding when you do. Along with the several mini games that you can play with friends, Super Monkey Ball is meant to be a game to have fun with, even if you rage quit a couple times.

With no super elaborate story nor any high-tech gameplay, Super Monkey Ball shows that you don't need any extra bells and whistles to be a great game!

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I love this game

and you should to!